Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 22 is a Japanese Netflix Original anime directed by Ayumu Watanabe and animated by Studio OLM. This slice-of-life comedy anime is an adaptation of the popular manga series created by Tomohito Oda. The voice acting cast for Komi Can’t Communicate consists of Aoi Koga (Love is War) as Shouko Komi, Gakuto Kajiwara (Fire Force) as Hitohito Tadano, and Rie Murakawa (Re: Zero) as Najimi Osana.
Komi Can’t Communicate centers on a young high school girl named Shoko Komi. Everyone considers Komi a “cool beauty” because of her stunning physical appearance, striking eyes, and quiet demeanor. She suffers from social anxiety, which significantly affects her ability to communicate with others, let alone make friends. Luckily with the help of her friend Tadano, she works to overcome her communication disorder to achieve her dream of making 100 friends.
In Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 22, Komi and her classmates have returned from their school trip to Kyoto. Komi and her classmates are equally nervous about approaching their newfound friends following the school trip. Everyone is worried about whether the bonds and memories they made during the journey will lead to lasting friendships. Meanwhile, Valentine’sValentine’s Day is quickly approaching, which makes everyone excited and anxious as they wait to see who will give and receive chocolates.
Regarding the animation Komi Can’t Communicate, Episode 22 may be one of the rougher episodes. That isn’t to say the animation is terrible but rather more basic than previous episodes. For the most part, there are no moments that the animation stands out in this episode like Komi Can’t Communicate comes known to do, especially regarding emotional moments. I was expecting that to happen, given that this episode how some especially tense moments during the love confession and chocolate exchanges. Nonetheless
In true slice-of-life fashion, Episode 22 is a classic Valentine’sValentine’s Day episode packed with the exchange of chocolates, love confessions, anxiety over confessing to a crush, and everything else that comes along with the holiday. Although I enjoyed the Valentine’s Day moments in this episode, especially when it came to Komi giving chocolates to Tadano, I felt like it was dragged out a little too much for my liking. Granted, I enjoyed the romantic moments throughout; I appreciated that this episode still managed to shine a light on friendships. For example, in this episode, Onemine invited Komi to join her to come over to her house to bake a cake. Online saw it as an opportunity to encourage Komi to make something for Valentine’sValentine’s Day to give to Tadano.
Lastly, this episode’s main event, of course, centers on Komi and Tadano. Personally, I, and the audience, have no doubts that Komi would not give chocolates to Tadano for Valentine’sValentine’s Day. At this point, Komi’s romantic feelings for Tadano have been confirmed to just about every character except Tadano. However, watching Tadano have a near nervous breakdown over being the only person not to receive chocolate from Komi was hilarious. Granted, the comedy does take a slight turn when Tadano reflects on why none of the other girls in his class gave him any chocolate. Thankfully the depressive mood does not last too long as the moment he has waited so long finally arrives when Komi shows up at his front door to give him his chocolates.
As much as the chocolate exchange was supposed to be the big moment of this episode, what impressed me was when Komi spoke to Tadano out loud directly. Up to this point in the series, Komi has used her phone or notepad to communicate with her friends. However, this is the first time Komi spoke to Tadano to clear up the confusion around the Valentine’sValentine’s Day chocolate. This moment in Episode 22 made it worthwhile, in my opinion, because it reinforced the romantic chemistry between the two characters.
Overall, Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 22 is a decent watch with some good laughs, at the expense of Tadano’sTadano’s semi-nervous breakdown. The animation was pretty basic in this episode, but that doesn’t mean it is terrible. It just lacked a certain level of energy that Komi Can’t Communicate has become known for during big dramatic moments. Although Episode 22 does a great job with Valentine’s Day trope, I appreciated that it still made time to highlight the friendships. Lastly, Komi and Tadano’sTadano’s romantic chemistry takes another step in the right direction in this episode.
Komi Can’t Communicate streams exclusively on Netflix.
Komi Can't Communicate Episode 22
Overall, Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 22 is a decent watch with some good laughs, at the expense of Tadano’sTadano’s semi-nervous breakdown. The animation was pretty basic in this episode, but that doesn’t mean it is terrible. It just lacked a certain level of energy that Komi Can’t Communicate has become known for during big dramatic moments. Although Episode 22 does a great job with Valentine’s Day trope, I appreciated that it still made time to highlight the friendships. Lastly, Komi and Tadano’sTadano’s romantic chemistry takes another step in the right direction in this episode.