Immortal X-Men #4 is written by Kieron Gillen, illustrated by Michele Bandini, colored by David Curiel, and lettered by VC’s Clayton Cowles. It’s published by Marvel Comics. “Diamonds Are Forever” takes place in the hours leading up to the Hellfire Gala, as Emma Frost deals with the secret of mutant resurrection revealed to the world. And, as if that wasn’t bad enough, Cyclops reveals that the mysterious Doctor Stasis he and the other X-Men were battling claims to be the original Mister Sinister. Naturally, this leads the Mister Sinister on Krakoa to try and flee from his fellow mutants.
Each issue of Immortal X-Men has turned its focus on a member of the Quiet Council, so it’s only fitting that Emma would take the spotlight. And to be honest, this is the issue I’ve been looking forward to. Emma’s been a major part of the Age of Krakoa since its inception, helping found the Quiet Council and tasking the delivery of Krakoan medicine to the world. And though she puts on a strong front, her emotions are often roiling under the surface, especially when you factor her telepathic powers into play.
Gillen explores this dynamic in his script, beginning with the reveal that Emma has taken to sleeping in her diamond form. The reasons for that may surprise readers, but what won’t surprise them is how fed up Emma is getting with some of her fellow mutants. From Professor X and Magneto’s machinations to Cyclops’ revelation of mutant resurrection, the toll this takes on Emma is steep, and Gillen doesn’t shy away from that.
Neither does Bandini, who steps in for regular series artist Lucas Werneck. He often draws Emma at her most vulnerable, particularly when she’s asleep or contemplating the bombshell of mutant resurrection. This goes double for Sinister: once he realizes that someone has possibly cloned him, his eyes go wide in shock. And then, he chooses to try and flee Krakoa, leading to a fight scene between him and the different members of the Council, to which Bandini dedicates an entire page. Given his mad science, Sinister is able to replicate other mutants’ abilities, including Nightcrawler’s teleportation and Multiple Man’s replication. But in Storm’s words, it gives the other mutants more to punch. And punch they do – especially Colossus, who’s shown flinging Sinister across the room with one punch.
Curiel’s colors and Cowles’ letters also perfectly capture the emotions that Emma is going through. On Krakoa, Emma has her own “palace” made entirely out of diamonds. That icy blue color is also reflected in her diamond form as she seals herself off from the world. And once again befitting a woman who calls herself the “White Queen,” she’s rarely seen without a stylish white ensemble, whether it’s a two-piece suit in Council meetings or her stunning Hellfire Gala dress. Cowles’ lettering also continues the all-white theme and is staged in a way that slowly unveils all the fears Emma carries about Krakoa’s future.
Immortal X-Men #4 places readers inside the mind of Emma Frost and solidifies her place as one of the most interesting characters in the X-Men mythos. Gillen has been on a roll with this series, and I look forward to future issues – especially since they take place in the wake of Judgement Day, which he’s also scripting.
Immortal X-Men #4 is available wherever comics are sold.
Immortal X-Men #4
Immortal X-Men #4 places readers inside the mind of Emma Frost and solidifies her place as one of the most interesting characters in the X-Men mythos. Gillen has been on a roll with this series, and I look forward to future issues.