A Thing Called Truth #5 is published by Image Comics, written by Iolanda Zanfardino, with art by Elisa Romboli. Having arrived in the City of Lights, Mag and Dorian continue to work their way down the list of tasks. But as the conclusion to their journey draws closer, Dorian begins to struggle with her feelings for Mag and whether or not she has any right to share them, given what likely awaits her in the future.
The easiest way to create a memorable ending in a storytelling medium is to surprise. To deliver a plot twist that shakes up the tried and true formula of a narrative. But what often is the greatest mark of a truly excellent story is when it can follow a classic path without clever deviations or nifty storytelling tricks and still manage to deliver an ending that is literal perfection. That is the culmination of all that the story brought to the final moment and simply knocked it out of the park. This is what A Thing Called Truth #5 does.
There is so much packed into this book’s all too short 23 pages. Laughter and mischief live side by side with anger and fear as Zanfardino’s script takes our starring duo through the final legs of their emotional journey. As with so many previous elements in this story, Zanfardino shows an amazing sense of restraint with each plot beat this book hits. Grand enough to be emotional, but never so over-the-top as to be bizarre, A Thing Called Truth #5 feels like a literal manifestation of the balance between the attitudes of Dorian and Mag themselves. This balance is critical when everything comes falling apart.
As one would expect, this book has a moment when the two new friends suffer a falling out. Feelings are hurt, and unkind words are said. While these sorts of moments frequently contain statements that would end a freshly minted association permanently, Zanfardino’s trademark restraint shines here, as the things that get said are hurtful but not unforgivable. And while I despised seeing Mag and Dorian at each other’s throats, the script uses the moment to deliver something beautiful enough that I am willing to forgive the book for putting me through it.
A Thing Called Truth #5‘s art provides the story with the perfect vehicle to deliver its lovely narrative. Romboli’s art manages to capture every emotion and moment flawlessly. From individual panels to how the layout of the panels come together never fails to do less than augment and complete Mag and Dorian’s story. Combine the art’s layouts with the gorgeous, emotionally reinforcing colors, and you have visuals that couldn’t complement its story better.
This wonderful presentation is further complemented by its skillful lettering. The letter placement always guides the reader through the narrative smoothly while never interfering with the wonderful art.
When all is said and done, A Thing Called Truth #5 delivers a perfect end to a near-flawless story. It manages to create the emotional tension necessary for its big finale without hurting either of its starring characters. Mag and Dorian are wonderful, incredible characters, right up to the last perfect page.
A Thing Called Truth #5 is available now wherever comics are sold.
A Thing Called Truth #5
A Thing Called Truth #5 delivers a perfect end to a near-flawless story. It manages to create the emotional tension necessary for its big finale without hurting either of its starring characters. Mag and Dorian are wonderful, incredible characters, right up to the last perfect page.