With Fale shot and bleeding out, she and Del had no choice but to seek refuge behind the walls of Zone 1. But while this may have bought them time from their pursuers, who knows what terrors await inside this wild land humanity has cordoned off in Almighty #4, published by Image Comics, writing and art by Edward Laroche, colors by Brad Simpson, and letters by Jaymes Reed?
Despite this series only being four issues in, a lot has happened to Del. Kidnapped and held for ransom, shot at, and chased across the country, dependent on a stranger that at first meeting scared her almost as much as those she was being held by. But with Fale out of it, Almighty #4 sees Del have to step up a bit to nurse her protector back to health if she wants to get out of Zone 1 in the same state she came in. Well, physically, at least. Laroche does a great job of using the solo time to highlight how Del’s time has changed her. While she is still far from competent in the ways of violence, her ability to handle the concept of doing hurtful things to survive has improved since she was first taken hostage. And it’s a good thing too.
Since the first page of issue one, Zone 1 has been built up to be a little slice of Hell on Earth by the denizens of Laroche’s world. Whispered about in fear, the savage and lawless land had much to measure up to if the hype built around it would pay off. Well, it pays off; it certainly does. While Larouche’s writing brings Del into her own, the art delivers on the horrors Zone 1 has to visit upon our protagonists. The few moments we get of the monsters that lurk in this wild territory are excellently handled. Both the lines and colors come together to portray the terror that the nightmare fuel that inhabits the land brings in their wake, and the lettering finishes the presentation with a perfectly chosen font and design for the monster. But even as Almighty #4 delivers some disturbing moments, Laroche begins laying the groundwork for something even more unsettling.
This issue also sees a return to Del’s dreams. Hinted momentarily in a previous issue, as a possible secondary avenue to the character’s story, this issue seems to confirm that whatever the dream behind Del’s eyes is, it has some significance. The seemingly calm meadow the dream takes place in feels almost bizarre when planted among the far more terrifying moments that fill the rest of the book.
Almighty #4 brings the horror that has been eluded to living in the world front and center and lands it wonderfully. With their human pursuers still on them and the grotesque dangers of Zone 1 all around, it feels like it will take all the will, strength, and prowess both Del and Fale can call if they are going to get out of their current nightmare alive.
Almighty #4 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Almighty #4
Almighty #4 brings the horror that has been eluded to living in the world front and center and lands it wonderfully.