For my latest episode of Beyond The Romance, I was joined by Christine Ko, Producing Director (PD) and Co-creator of the JTBC and Netflix Korean legal drama Law School.
It’s pretty obvious I’m a huge fan of K-dramas, and one of my favorite genres are legal dramas, not only because of my past professional and educational experience (I have a diploma in Paralegal studies), but because of how the writers and directors craft carefully constructed stories where they tie the law into the various storylines of the characters, showing how it impacts the lives of everyday citizens, in ways we don’t necessarily consider, on a day-to-day basis. And Law School is an excellent example of that.
Starring Kim Myun-min and Lee Jung-Eun as Yang Jon-hoon, Kim-Eun-suk, respectively, Professors at the prestigious Hanguk school of law, Kim Beom, Ryo Hey-Young and Ko Yoon-jung as students who get caught up in an intense murder trial that changes the the course of their lives in unexpected ways.
During our discussion Christine shares how she got into the Korean television industry her experiences on set, and answers my many questions about the plot, production, the way story addresses serious topics like intimate partner violence
To see what shows I’m currently watching and live-tweeting, follow me on Twitter and Instagram @Carriecnh12, for my drama live-tweets with #DramaWithCarrie, nightly at 8pmEST. Feel free to join, offer show recommendations, or spill any tasty K-pop tea. Yes, I’m also very much into K-pop. You can also watch me, and my guests over on my YouTube channel here.