Origins #5Â is published by BOOM! Studios, written by Clay McLeod Chapman, with art by Jakub Rebelka, colors by Patricio Delpeche, and letters by Jim Campbell. Having reached the last bastion of human culture and history, David, Chloe, and their companions, unfortunately, find little rest. The Network is hot on their heels. If they want to see tomorrow, they are going to have to fight for it.
There are moments in fiction that will never grow old. That, no matter how many times creatives trot them out, so long as they are delivered with due skill, they will never fail to shine. Of the numerous instance of this, I think none shines as brightly as the dramatic last stand. When the heroic group, outnumbered, outgunned, and with little strength left, rallies for one last dramatic battle. This moment is so powerful in fiction because there is always hope. That no matter how long the odds may be, the heroes will be able to make it work. That the hail mary miracle plan will come together and good will triumph. Hope springs eternal. And in the end, perhaps even the most jaded cannot help but cheer for that ragtag group of heroes.
Origins #5 picks up with the last remains of David and Chloe’s group entering the long-sought-after vault. Within, they are confronted with long-lost pieces of humanity’s history, hopes for its future, and revelations to questions that have hung over the story for quite some time. Many of these answers are not easy to swallow. I can say little about these moments without giving away too much, but I do want to say this—writer Chapman does an absolutely amazing job with David and Chloe here. There is a mutual arc for the two of them completed here as a circuit between them is closed. It was lovely to see.
Unfortunately, personal revelations and knowledge gathering must be set aside. The ever-present Network has tracked our heroes to their location and is forcing its way in. Before that happens, David must deliver a rousing speech to rally his companions to fight the Network one last time.
This speech is the apex moment of Origins #5. Chapman manages to deliver this classic rally-the-troops moment with a clear understanding of why the moment is so often used while putting a unique spin on David’s speech. This beautiful adaption makes the moment feel like its own, despite the countless times even the most casual fiction fan has seen it play out.
The art throughout this book continues to show off its versatility. From the early, close-up emotional moments to the rousing speech and the battle that follows, Rebelka’s art brings the right emphasis to each of these stages in the story allowing them to shine.
The colorwork in Origins #5 furthers the emotional tone of these scenes with its strong color palettes. The shifting colors between each scene further give this story an artistic rhythm. As hot and cold colors swap in and out, colorist Delpeche keeps the story feeling varied in look, as they emphasize the emotion within the panels themselves.
Rounding out the presentation here is Campbell’s letters. The lettering delivers the story in a clear, easy-to-follow fashion while remaining out of the way of the art.
When all is said and done Origins #5 places its narrative in an excellent spot for the final issue. The book ends on a hard note that puts one of the vital aspects of its story in imminent peril. I will be eagerly awaiting the final piece of this wonderful sci-fi tale.
Origins #5Â is available now wherever comics are sold.
Origins #5
When all is said and done Origins #5 places its narrative in an excellent spot for the final issue. The book ends on a hard note that puts one of the vital aspects of its story in imminent peril. I will be eagerly awaiting the final piece of this wonderful sci-fi tale.