The Eighth Immortal is published by Source Point Press sees by writer Jacob Murray (Court of the Dead: Shadows of the Underworld) and up-and-coming anime artist, Alice Li Barnes.
In the fantasy series: Curipan has spent her immortality protecting humanity from the threat of an ancient prophecy. But time and a secret trauma have worn her down, forcing her to choose between her duty and her sanity. The Eighth Immortal is a scandalous fantasy that asks the question, should anything last forever?
In The Eighth Immortal #3 Curipan connects with a side of herself she’d long forgotten and awakens a new power that frames her past in a new light. Kikan reconsiders his devotion to his wife, and Daniel’s parents wrestle with their son’s mysterious abilities. Meanwhile, General McLeod leaves a trail of bodies in his wake as he searches for a new host.
We have your first exclusive at The Eighth Immortal #3 thanks to Source Point Press.
“Issue 3 of The Eighth Immortal gives us a glimpse of the fraught history of Kikan and Curipan, and the Pillan children they have raised as their own in an effort to stitch together the wound that was left by the loss of their son. The vow that forbids the emergence of other immortals means their time playing house will ever be short. On the day the child’s eyes turn green it will fall upon Curipan to strip the child of his immortality – a task that wears upon their hearts more with each passing generation. ”
The Eighth Immortal #3 is written by Jake Murray with art by Alice Li Barnes and cover art by Tiffany Turrill.
You can pre-order the title here.