Power Rangers: Sins of the Future is an original graphic novel published by BOOM! Studios. It is written by Matthew Erman (with a story by Trey Moore), illustrated by Giuseppe Cafaro, colored by Francesco Segala, and lettered by Ed Dukeshire. After the finale of Power Rangers: Time Force, Wes Collins and Jen Scotts attempt to pursue the ultimate long-distance relationship. But when a mysterious Time Force Black Ranger attacks them, Jen is sent on a journey through time and space that sees her encountering various versions of her friends and foes.
Though BOOM! Studios’ bread and butter of the Power Rangers franchise are the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers comic, the franchise has produced multiple series over the years. Time Force is one of the more popular Power Rangers seasons due to its slightly more mature take, and Erman and Moore perfectly translate that to the graphic novel.
Long-distance relationships are tough; I speak from experience since my most serious relationship was a long-distance one. Wes and Jen’s is even more complicated due to the literal gulf of time that separates them. Even Jen’s commanding officer outlines why the relationship can’t work: it would greatly alter time and Wes is long-dead in Jen’s time.
Erman also writes Jen and Wes perfectly. Growing up watching Power Rangers Time Force, I was greatly surprised that the Pink Ranger was the leader and that she was amazing. Jen shares a lot in common with another heroine I admire, Buffy Summers. She won’t put up with anyone’s crap, she will fight for the people she loves, and she isn’t afraid to pursue a relationship with the man she loves. Wes remains affable yet brave, a combination that propelled him to the top of many Rangers fans’ lists of favorite characters. Readers will groan at his bad puns and cheer when he takes on a horde of Cyclobots.
Cafaro is no stranger to the Power Rangers mythos, having previously illustrated the Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon graphic novel. He gets to illustrate a new set of Power Rangers, with the standout being Time Force Black. This character has a literally explosive entrance, with energy rippling from her body. Her weapon is also one of the coolest in Power Rangers history as it can transform from a sword to a whip, all the while crackling with obsidian energy.
Cafaro, alongside Segala, knows how to set the mood. Cafaro gets to illustrate quiet moments including Jen and Wes having sushi on a date, and epic moments including Jen taking on an army of Cyclobots. Segala helps by using warmer colors for the more romantic and quiet scenes as well as darker colors for the future. A solid example is an image of a Megazord walking through the city with light shining down on its eyes, which casts a rather ominous light on the nature of time travel.
Power Rangers: Sins of the Future is an action-packed romance that fans of Power Rangers: Time Force will definitely want to read. With the success of the Power Rangers comics, I hope that more graphic novels or series focus on other seasons.
Power Rangers: Sins of the Future is available wherever comics are sold.
Power Rangers: Sins of the Future
Power Rangers: Sins of the Future is an action-packed romance that fans of Power Rangers: Time Force will definitely want to read. With the success of the Power Rangers comics, I hope that more graphic novels or series focus on other seasons.