Fire Force Episode 5 is a shonen anime produced by David Production. As Shinra and Arthur continue to hold off the agents of the Evangelist, several of the Fire Force’s companies, called together by Captain Obi, struggle to stop the out of control flames from consuming the city. But with a demon infernal on the prowl can they bring enough power to bear in time?
Adeversity is the heart of drama in storytelling. It is a fickle thing that requires a light touch to land right. If there is no challenge, if a hero becomes too powerful, there is no sense of danger. Nothing to grip the viewer, and make them worry about the hero’s triumph. However, the roadblocks to the hero’s goal also need to make sense. When struggles come out of nowhere, or a hero is robbed of his victory for reasons that feel like the writers decided he shouldn’t win “just cause” it is equally harmful. It becomes frustrating, and annoying to see characters faced with challaenges that seem to be there purely to elongate the struggle. It hurts a great story. Fire Force Episode 5 is proof of this.
Picking up right where episode four left off, the Fire Force continues to struggle against both the flames consuming the city, as well as the Evangelist’s minions. With the bulk of the episode focusing on the various companies trying to put out the flames, the show does a great job of utilizing the extended cast. As they all must put there diverse gifts and abilities to use to both quell the flames, as well as deal with the infernal demon before them. The final strategy they come up with is extremely cool. Though, through a rather bizarre plot twist, Captain Obi, struggles with his part of the mission. This is a moment where that comment I made earlier about unnecessary struggles comes in. Obi’s difficultly in this sequence is so bizarre that it feels like a contradiction to his entire character.
Meanwhile, Shinra continues to fight to save Inca from being kidnapped by the Evangelist. I’ve really appreciated the creativity with how the show has used the fire manipulation abilities of characters. This creativity is highlighted here as Shinra realizes why he is struggling to over come his opponent. But, even as Shinra has a moment of deductive brilliance that would make even the greatest tacticians proud, his rightfully earned victory feels as if it is snatched away from him. Why?… Just cause? I guess?
While Fire Force Episode 5 struggles with some of it’s story elements the action continues to shine with brilliance. Every hit and explosion rocks the screen. Coupled with the ingenious way the various fire based powers are employed, and I will never tire of seeing these exciting moments.
When all is said and done Fire Force Episode 5 delivers a solid all around performance. The minor plot glitches certainly hurt it, but the great characters and superb action keep it going strong regardless. With any luck, this momentary stumble will prove to be a blip on the Fire Force radar.
Fire Force Season 2 Episode 5 is available now on Crunchyroll and Funimation.
Fire Force Episode 5
When all is said and done Fire Force Episode 5 delivers a solid all around performance. The minor plot glitches certainly hurt it, but the great characters and superb action keep it going strong regardless. With any luck, this momentary stumble will prove to be a blip on the Fire Force radar.