Undiscovered Country Vol 1 is the type of graphic novel that you pick up as a reviewer and simple say “YES!”. Now, bear with me as I attempt to persuade you about why this series should be on top of your pull list this week. Published by Image Comics, Undiscovered Country Vol 1 is written by Scott Snyder, and Charles Soule, layouts by Giuseppe Camuncoli, finishes by Daniele Orlandini, and Leonardo Marcello Grassi, colors by Matt Wilson, and letters by CRANK!. The story tells of a world strife with war, and with humanity on the brink of extinction as the Sky virus pandemic runs rampant.
While the world races to find answers, a mysterious message is broadcast globally promising solutions. The communication originated from a country that has for the last 30 years maintained radio silence, shut down its borders, and built gigantic defensive walls. The country is the United States of America, and for the last three decades, nothing has gotten in or out of its borders. It is to a point that American culture is viewed as a historical topic. Now a carefully selected team must venture into the USA, on a diplomatic invitation, in an attempt to find a cure for the Sky virus and hopefully re-establish a rapport with a once global superpower.
Snyder and Soule have literally blown my mind with this series and it’s honestly a struggle at trying to identify which plot points to highlight to truly sell this TPB. Should I discuss at length the concept of a country the size and influence of the US just simply going dark and closing its borders for thirty years and the cascading impact it has on the world? Or should I perhaps call attention to the madness of what the country looks like now, with meat-eating bison, gigantic fish vehicles, soldiers in UV protective gear that reside in a roaming fortress under the influence of a giant known as the “Destiny Man”.
There are just too many elements in this series to discuss. Snyder and Soule have managed to stuff an inordinate amount of content, and details, into six issues then I thought possible. This may be perceived as perhaps dense and plot-heavy, but the joy is in the bingeing of all this information. I literally did not want to put Undiscovered Country Vol 1 down.
Camuncoli who covers the art of the series, aided by finishing work of Orlandini, and Marcello Grassi, delivers some truly stupendous visuals. Every panel delivers an obscene level of detail that leaves very little open space. I was especially captivated by the facial work throughout the series, and the creative trio are able to capture an extremely highly level of emotive expressions. I drank in the details so fluidly that it surpassed a graphic novel, and felt more like I was watching a show, or a movie as the pages sprung to life.
The colors by Wilson again only serve to elevate the series further. Early on their work is evidenced when we first witness the terminal effects of the Sky virus, as a nasty blue fluid pours from the all of the orifices of one of its victims. Later we see the soldiers of the Destiny Mans tribe wearing a reflective material that really pops in a peculiar fashion.
Last, but certainly not least, are the lettering contributions from CRANK! This series is at points very heavy in its dialogue, and the lettering is very well balanced. Not to mention the creative style utilized for key characters, mainly villains, during their on-scene panels.
Undiscovered Country Vol 1 is one of the most densely packed, post-apocalyptic style thrillers I’ve had the pleasure of reading in a long time. This is ‘Mad Max’ on steroids. Snyder and Soule have set the bar at a spectacularly high level. I urge you from the bottom of my core, go buy this series right now! It is worth every penny, and so much more.
Undiscovered Country Vol 1 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Undiscovered Country Vol. 1
Undiscovered Country Vol 1 is one of the most densely packed, post apocalyptic style thrillers I’ve had the pleasure of reading in a long time. This is ‘Mad Max’ on steroids. Snyder and Soule have set the bar at a spectacularly high level. I urge you from the bottom of my core, go buy this series right now! It is worth very penny, and so much more.