Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 8 is a romantic comedy, drama manga written and illustrated by mangaka Tomohito Oda. The English-language release of the manga is VIZ Media. The manga centers a young high school girl named Shoko Komi. Komi is considered by everyone to be a “cool beauty” because of her elegant looks, quiet demeanor, and lack of close friends. The truth is she suffers from a communication disorder. With the help of her friend Tadano, she works to overcome her communication disorder to achieve her dream of making 100 friends.
Following the previous volume, Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 8 focuses on Komi and her friends preparing for their school trip to Kyoto. Even though Komi has never been on one before, she’s not worried. After all, she’ll have Tadano and her friends at her side! But then she’s assigned to be grouped with two girls she doesn’t even know. This leaves Komi worried about being able to make new friends on her own without Tadano helps.
The mangaka’s, Tomohito Oda, art style continues to be one of my favorite things about this series. I especially enjoyed the background illustrations that were based on beautiful scenic nature spots and actual sight-seeing places in Kyoto. I really appreciated all of the work and detail that the mangaka puts into the background illustrations.
One of my favorite things about Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 8 is the positive and realistic portrayal of female friendships. A good example of this in Volume 8 is when Komi’s friends Kato and Sasaki snap at one another and get into argument with one another. Thankfully, Komi intervened and that helped them realize they were being petty towards one another and reconciled. I appreciate that Tomohito Oda portrays female friendships in a way that shows they have their ups and downs. It’s not uncommon for friends to argue or hurt one another’s feelings from time to time. However, another part of friendships is that the people in them learn how to reconcile their issues and forgive one another.
Komi Can’t Communicate Volume 8 is available from booksellers August 11, 2020.
Komi Can't Communicate, Vol. 8
Overall, I can’t recommend picking up Komi Can’t Communicate, Vol. 8 enough. It’s a great romantic comedy that tells a genuine story about friendship first and romance second, and I mean that in the best of ways. If you are looking for a great light and funny romantic comedy then I highly recommend picking this one up.