Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40, written by Ryan Parrott, illustrated by Daniele Di Nicuolo, colored by Walter Baiamonte with assistance from Daniele Ienuso, and lettered by Ed Dukeshire, is published by BOOM! Studios. The first part of the “Necessary Evil” storyline, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40 takes place after Lord Drakkon’s assault on the Multiverse in the Shattered Grid saga. Reality was eventually repaired, but with several differences; Tommy has now assumed the dual mantle of the White Ranger and leadership of the Power Rangers, the Rangers themselves have undergone a shift in the roster, and Rita Repulsa has been replaced by a new enemy who also happens to be a fan favorite Ranger villain.
Both Parrott and DiNicuolo are no strangers to the world of Power Rangers, as Parrott is currently writing Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ sister title Go Go Power Rangers and DiNicuolo illustrated the majority of the Shattered Grid storyline. Together, the duo sends a single message with this issue: everything has changed. Parrott’s script reflects this, with the new Rangers butting heads with the veteran guard, Tommy struggling to master his new powers, and the new villain changing the rules. Even the steadfast duo of Bulk and Skull find a wrench being thrust into their relationship.
Parrott’s greatest strength, however, is getting into the heads of the Rangers and showcasing their fears and dreams. For all the superpowered karate moves and the giant robot fights, the reason Power Rangers has endured for as long as it has is because of the Rangers themselves, and their team dynamic. Challenging that dynamic means that more interesting stories can unfold, and given how the issue ends Parrott looks to be throwing several challenges at the new Ranger team.
DiNicuolo’s artwork is spectacular. His drawings are animated in every sense of the word, from the way the Rangers move and fight to the way they express themselves. From when Kimberly storms off in a huff to Tommy’s uneasiness, you actually feel like the characters are talking to you and to each other. Baiamonte’s colors lend vibrancy to the Rangers’ missions and foreboding to the villain’s schemes. Tommy is almost always shown in the light, which is fitting given his new powers, and Rita’s palace is cast in shadow, which gives off extremely ominous vibes. It’s enough to make the reader want an animated Power Rangers show.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40 is the perfect jumping-on point for readers who left the series or readers who are looking to get into the series. Parrott and DiNicuolo are a creative team to be reckoned with, and given how the issue ends, they more than intend to leave their own mark on the Power Rangers mythos.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40 is available wherever comics are sold.
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #40
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40 is the perfect jumping on point for readers who left the series or readers who are looking to get into the series. Parrott and DiNicuolo are a creative team to be reckoned with,