Year in Review
Our list of the top animated shows of 2019 is as diverse as the nine contributors who came together to rank their favorites.
We reached out to our writers and came up with a list of 15 of the top games of 2019. From actoin to shooters and RPGs, check out this year’s best.
It’s time to go through the Top Comics of 2019 as compiled by our contributors across publishers big and small, and every genre under the sun.
Theaters aren’t the only movie creators now and 2019 saw a wealth of content, here are the top movies of 2019 from streaming services,
The top shows of 2019 have everything from new series, returning seasons, fantasy, Westerns, history and more, find out what our contributors think.
We polled our contributors on their top movies of 2019, and this is what came from it: horror, action, and a little more round out the list.
It’s the end of the year as we know it and in 2018 Netflix had an array of amazing shows. Our co-founders made a list of their favorites.
Planning, time, and dedication are what it takes to pull-off an amazing and memorable action, here are the best fight scenes 2018.
It’s been a big year for manga, so to round up the best BL of the year we’ve pulled together our Top 15 BL Manga of 2022.