Alien on Stage is a great example of how fans use their love of a film to craft their own narrative and is a must-see for Alien fans.
When I Consume You delivers a surprising twist early on that promptly sets the table, a creepy adversary, and a moody atmosphere to boot.
#Blue_Whale is a horror movie that serves as a parable for the pitfalls of social media and how online validation can be extremely addictive.
In Woodlands Dark, Keir-La Janisse guides viewers through a comprehensive overview of the films that created, defined, and refined our ideas of folk horror
Overall, The Righteous starts intense and intriguing, but it ultimately feels like a stage play that went on for too long.
In Hellbender a young girl named Izzy finds herself on the precipice of womanhood and, like many teenage girls, finds herself at odds with her mother.
With a strong ensemble cast, a riveting second and third act, and an atmosphere rich in mystery and dread, how can you go wrong?
Frank & Zed is one hell of a ride whose impressive use of puppetry to blend comedy and body horror will have you astonished by the artistry of it all
Fantasia International Film Festival 2021 is underway and one of the films making their debut is Baby, Don’t Cry, directed by Jesse Dvorak.
Follow the Light is a coming-of-age story that uses science fiction to drive its characters closer to understanding each other and themselves.