Brian Michael Bendis
Checkmate #2 has a confusing plot that makes it difficult to maintain interest. This spy thriller hasn’t got the cohesion to create any thrills.
Justice League #64 is a promising start to a new arc. As an old enemy escapes prison, spelling trouble for Superman and his teammates.
The Old Guard: Tales Through Time #3 sees a meeting of mother and son after a long separation, as well as The Old Guard deal with a serial killer.
Justice League #63 features two stories again, featuring both the Justice League and Justice League Dark. Huge battles and surprising twists await.
Checkmate #1 is a new series that reunites Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev. A group of the world’s best detectives bring Checkmate back to life.
Justice League #62 features two very different stories. The main team battle on a different world whist Justice League Dark fight ancient wizards.
Justice League #61 contains two different teams and two different stories. The Justice League and Justice League Dark both fight otherworldly beasts.
Justice League #59 is the start or Brian Michael Bendis’ tenure on the book. Black Adam is attacked, leading to the League’s intervention.