When Zaar was first revealed to be part of the big conclusive finale for the current Legion of Super-Heroes storyline, I wasn’t thrilled. Having just reviewed an adventure in which he played a key role immediately before this in the pages of Superman, I felt like having Zaar turn up again was overkill. However, thanks to some skillful writing on the part of Bendis here, I can honestly say I’ve come around on his placement in this story, even if I still don’t really care for him as a character in general.
Legion of Super-Heroes #12 opens up with one of the full page interview-style moments that have become a trademark of the current run. This time, it’s Saturn Girl doing the talking in this opening moment. The exposition Imra delivers on this page is excellently done. Certain aspects of the Legion’s decision making is brought to light through this page. These revelations further deepen the best character in this series to me. Imra feels like she has grown over the last 12 issues in several ways, and her moment of self-reflection in this issue is just one of the highlights of that journey.
The vast majority of the rest of this book sees the Legion going all out against their enemies as New Krypton burns around them. This battle is handled extremely well, with lots of various Legionnaires getting a moment to shine. The emotions of key characters are given opportunities to come out, as numerous running character interactions are woven into the battle’s tapestry. Allowing this elongated fight to serve as more than a climactic finale to the physical threats.
Sook’s art in Legion of Super-Heroes #12 delivers on the moments, both small and epic, well. Whether it’s Jon exchanging blows with Krypton’s killer or Bouncing Boy doing what he does best, every panel delivers its action clearly and excitingly.
The colorwork done by Bellaire furthers the kinetic energy of the frantic battle. The bright-colored costumes and numerous energy effects each have their turn within the panels and flow in such a fluid way as to form an ever-shifting mosaic of color. Beautiful, but never overwhelming.
Rounding out this story is another solid lettering performance from Sharpe. Thanks to the superlative work on letters here, the story manages to navigate the frenzy of the panels while never getting in the action’s way.
When all is said and done, Legion of Super-Heroes #12 delivers an exciting conclusion to its current storyline. Strong action and some key character moments come together to make this story one of the highlights of this book’s current run.
Legion of Super-Heroes #12 is available on January 19th, wherever comics are sold.
Legion of Super-Heroes #12
When all is said and done, Legion of Super-Heroes #12 delivers an exciting conclusion to its current storyline. Strong action and some key character moments come together to make this story one of the highlights of this book’s current run.