Trouble Girls by Julia Lynn Rubin is a thrilling, fast-paced sapphic story of Trixie and Lux as they road trip across the country together.
Star Wars: Victory’s Price is the grand conclusion to Alexander Freed’s Alphabet Squadron trilogy. It’s tragic, beautiful, and must-read fiction.
Star Wars: Age of Resistance-The Official Collector’s Edition is a decent collection of behind-the-scenes material, yet it feels redundant.
Lost in the Never Woods is a fresh take on Wendy Darling and Peter Pan’s story that readers will think about long after it’s over.
Naruto: Shikamaru’s Story – Mourning Clouds is a new light novel by author Takahashi Yano…
For those who really enjoy dungeon-crawling novels, King of the Labyrinth’s unique POV approach might prove to be some enjoyable light reading.
The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penne tells a story from three perspectives displaced by several centuries, bound by the universal shadow of abusive men
A Dark and Hollow Star fails to deliver an entertaining fantasy and instead falls flat due to one-dimensional characters and overambitious worldbuilding.