Iron Man #22 sees James Rhodes take the role os a narrator as he and Tony come to grips with the death of a former friend.
Author: William Tucker
Harley Quinn #18 is the start of a new adventure with a new art team included. Harley is recruited to a new team.
The New Champion of Shazam #1 shifts the focus of the power of Shazam onto a new figure as Mary Marvel sets out on a unique adventure.
Batman: Killing Time #6 brings the heist comic to a close. Batman starts reigning in the villains that have deceived him for so long.
Dark Crisis #3 gives the heroes left standing a minute to gather themselves, but only because something else is coming.
Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel #1 brings Genis-Vell and Rick Jones back to the land of the living at the same time for the first time in years.
Gambit #1 sheds light on and clarifies a mysterious period of his life, where he was also looking after a de-aged Storm.
Harley Quinn #17 is a rather emotional issue as it is the art team’s final adventure in this run. And it is also gorgeously written.