Champions #2 is the next chapter in the Outlawed event. Running out of friends and options, our heroes travel to the home of an old friend.
Author: William Tucker
Iron Man #3 finds Tony in the middle of a personal image problem. This issue finds Iron Man battling nearly every member of his Rogues Gallery…
Victor and Nora: A Gotham Love Story is a graphic novel by DC. A young Victor Fries meets Nora Kumar in a tale about living life to the fullest.
Undiscovered Country #9 follows our heroes into the technological utopia of Unity. This issue sends the Graves twins on an emotional rollercoaster.
Daredevil #23 is another issue preparing for Daredevil’s trial, in jail for murder. The comic features guest stars, blood and hugs
Hubie Halloween is a badly written, badly acted, badly directed comedy starring Adam Sandler. The plot explores one All Hallow’s Eve in Salem.
Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious #2 concludes the limited Tenth Doctor series. The Doctor must save his greatest enemies and their homeland.
Transformers/Back To The Future combines both of the 80s franchises in the beginning of a crossover, putting Marty McFly on another adventure.