The Hazards of Love Volume 1: Bright world is a full-color printing of Stan Stanly’s webcomic of the same name; a beautiful, bizarre, and disturbing story.
Author: Jason Flatt
Star Wars Adventures #4 concludes the “Life Day” story and delivers a romance between Beckett and Val from Solo: A Star Wars Story
Waffles and Mochi is a children’s show produced by Michelle Obama and Higher Grounds Productions about foods and how people around the world enjoy them.
Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Tricksters #1 is the first in an anthology series where a storyteller regales his dog with legends of the world’s tricksters
Specter Inspectors #2 continues the adventures of amateur ghost content creators as they attempt to learn a demon’s name and excise her from Astrid.
Secrets of Camp Whatever is an original graphic novel by Chris Grine about a strange, fog-shrouded summer camp on a mysterious island.
Star Wars: Victory’s Price is the grand conclusion to Alexander Freed’s Alphabet Squadron trilogy. It’s tragic, beautiful, and must-read fiction.
Doodle Devil: 3volution is the console version of the spinoff of the classic Doodle God game where you must help the devil create sins, demons, and more.