The enigmatic Yorishige (Yuichi Nakamura) faces his most unexpected dilemma in The Elusive Samurai Episode 7. While “Children In Winter” begins on an innocuous enough note, it slowly builds into something more forlorn and foreboding as, once again, those Tokiyuki (Asaki Yuikawa) seeks to undermine grow in strength. By building on the existing threat by adding new and formidable players, the series raises the stakes incrementally until we can’t fathom just how Tokiyuki and his fellow children retainers can ever hope to stand up against such terrifying manpower.
The Elusive Samurai Episode 7 doesn’t dive straight into hinted darkness but doesn’t stray from it. We immediately know that something is amiss when Yorishige realizes he’s entered one of his rare occasions where he loses his prophetic gifts. This is already stressful for him, especially as he must be mindful of Tokiyuki’s safety. Still, it’s made doubly so when Tokiyuki volunteers himself and his group to go and patrol the area. Yorishige is unwilling to divulge his current status so as not to arouse panic in his people, but it means that he goes to desperate measures to try and convince Tokiyuki not to go.
It is one of the series‘ funniest moments, as Yorishige agonizes over every possible event that could lead to Tokiyuki’s untimely death. From cold weather and starvation to embarrassment, he thinks of everything to provide him with enough protection. However, while Tokiyuki is pleased to see that Yorishige cares, he goes along with the original plan and is ready to help however he can.
These bouts of humor are sprinkled throughout as The Elusive Samurai Episode 7 works to continue to bridge the comedy with action. In part, this works. It’s especially true in the fight scene between Kojiro, Ayako, and newcomer Fubuki. The latter is a duel sword user who mistakenly believes that Tokiyuki’s group means him and the town he’s protecting ill will. The combat is graceful and kinetic, backed by superb lighting that bathes the ground in sunset hues. But the greatest moment is when, watching his retainers fight, Tokiyuki realizes they’ve been babying him while practicing together.
Tokiyuki’s sweetness and freshness to fighting are displayed throughout the episode, especially in flashbacks. We see there that Yorishige placed a significant amount of expectations on Kojiro and Ayako’s shoulders. While Yorishige understands Tokiyuki’s specific brand of strengths, he also knows they aren’t enough to keep him safe. This is where the retainers come in, and it’s nice to see them finally getting their own moment in the spotlight. Fubuki also makes for a strong addition as he shares with them that he’s looking for a lord to help instruct and impart his tactical wisdom to others.
But before Fubuki can help advance Tokiyuki, they must deal with a new solider of Sadamune’s. The soldier in question is a former scoundrel whose visual motif is a cluster of ants that swarm the center of his chest. Here, we have to wonder just how prepared Tokiyuki and co are. really are. While it’s been six months since the start of the series, they’re all still children fighting an adult war.
And perhaps that’s what makes “Children in Winter” so grim. It’s not just the cold they’re facing but the deliberate cruelty of the world they exist in. Fubuki projects a village of children who lost their parents in battle, and while it’s heartening to see him lead, it’s miserable to think about why.
The Elusive Samurai Episode 7 builds on an existing expectation for animation excellence. While it doesn’t possess any major, dizzying moments, it does contain some stunning lighting. This lighting helps define the place and tone of a sequence. The lighting plus the excellent score help further define the episode, as things get increasingly haunting as the characters move throughout the countryside. What begins with light and energy as Tokiyuki and co. play on a frozen over lake ends in tragedy as yet another village is lost.
With striking visuals and overwhelming tension, The Elusive Samurai Episode 7 continues raising the stakes. Tokiyuki might be growing his skills and ability to lead, but as is evident from the new villain, he’s still clearly out of his depth.
The Elusive Samurai Episode 7 is out now on Crunchyroll.
The Elusive Samurai Episode 7
With striking visuals and overwhelming tension, The Elusive Samurai Episode 7 continues raising the stakes.