The highly anticipated anime series Viral Hit, directed by Masakazu Hishida, debuted on Crunchyroll last week. For fans who want to dive deeper into the story, the original digital comic that inspired the adaptation is available to read in full exclusively on WEBTOON.
As the global leader and pioneer of the mobile webcomic format, WEBTOON has revolutionized the comics industry for comic fans and creators. Today, a diverse new generation of international comic artists has found a home on WEBTOON, where the company’s storytelling technology allows anyone to become a creator and build a global audience for their stories.
Viral Hit, by Taejun Pak, CEO of PTJ Comics, and Kim Junghyun, has itself been a hit since its 2019 debut. The ongoing series has amassed over 2 billion global views across over 200 episodes and has an upcoming graphic novel to be published by WEBTOON Unscrolled, WEBTOON’s graphic novel imprint. The digital comic originally premiered on the WEBTOON platform in November 2019 in Korean and English in October 2020. Prior to Viral Hit, Tajeun Pak created the highly popular ongoing WEBTOON series Lookism, one of the first WEBTOON-adapted hits on Netflix, which spent two weeks on Netflix’s Global Top 10.
Scrawny high school student Hobin Yu is probably the last guy you’d expect to star in a NewTube channel that revolves around fighting. But after following some advice from a mysterious NewTube channel, Hobin is soon knocking out guys stronger than him and raking in more money than he could have ever dreamed of. Can Hobin keep this up, or will he eventually meet his match?
The series on Crunchyroll marks the latest in a string of WEBTOON digital comics to be adapted for the streaming service. Other recent hits include Tower of God, True Beauty, The God of High School, Noblesse, and more.
The Viral Hit comic is available to read now on WEBTOON.