The Flash 2024 Annual #1 is published by DC Comics, written by Si Spurrier, art by Scott Koblish, Amancay Nahuelpan, George Kambadais, and Tom Derenick, colors by Marissa Louise, Lee Loughridge and Matt Herms, and letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. Wally traverses the most complicated parts of the Multiverse as the other speedsters try to protect reality from their powers.
This annual continues to escalate the bending of reality and stretch the mind’s comprehension. But Spurrier has made it easier to latch on to in this annual through various methods. Hopping through the dimensions investigates the laws of physics, and what Wally finds is fascinating. To be clear, these are not your average alternate realities in comics, where the characters they meet are other versions of characters. These are different planes of existence, such as a dimension solely made of math.
As the annual progresses steadily, the chapter blends the family aspect of the story with the mind-blowing cosmic comic nicely. It uses Irey, Jai, and Linda as anchors for Wally, whose adventure is starting to make him lose everything about himself. The escapade takes The Flash to the furthest reaches of the DC Multiverse and threatens to go even further than that. The ending is a surprise, concluding this mega issue with quite a defeated tone.
The other speedsters are present in the issue, but with Wally serving as the most critical part of the story, they take to the bench slightly. Jay, Barry, and the youngsters are all running at their limits, which damages the fabric of reality. But it is Kid Flash and Avery Ho, stars of the Speed Force series, serve as the supporting cast. They are running after Wally, finding the dimensions and bizarre characters after him. They find themselves the Rogues, discovering more about them and their involvement. The inclusion of the Rogues, a host of Flash’s villains, helps make the confusing plot more palatable. It gives names to the threats and an understanding of some rules.
The art is an array of styles. The comic is as chaotic as this series has ever been, with the artist repeatedly changing and offering a different take on the various scenes within The Flash 2024 Annual #1. Each dimension comes with its own set of rules. They are presented like seemingly endless expanses of space, with some kind of denizen or protector to speak to Wally.
The creativity needed to create these creatures that defy reason is immense, as well as creating new worlds every few pages. There is some disturbing imagery related to speed and temporal manipulation. That is fussed with the superhero outfits and classic comic art. All of the different levels within the book make it fascinating and bewildering all at once.
The colors are interesting as they vary depending on the location and the artist. In one dimension, there are many colors. It’s a place full of angles and mathematical shades, like that old Windows screensaver. But other than that one instance, the rest of the backgrounds are more muted, with the superspeed and bright costumes in the foreground taking priority. The lettering is as wild and wonderful as always, but for the first time, some fonts are difficult to read.
The Flash 2024 Annual #1 takes Wally to the edge of everything. This story needed to be told in an annual, as it needed space to go as far as it did. The movement is breathtaking, and the scope is bewildering. All you can do while reading is hold on. The emotional side of the comic is heavy and numbing at the same time. It has the feeling of exhaustion after a marathon. Of giving up after running so far and realizing there’s nothing left to run for. The art is a terrific collaboration that shows how far the artists and Spurrier can stretch their imaginations.
The Flash 2024 Annual #1 is available now wherever comics are sold.
The Flash 2024 Annual #1
The Flash 2024 Annual #1 takes Wally to the edge of everything. This story needed to be told in an annual, as it needed space to go as far as it did.