Based on the hit manga series by Yoshifumi Tozuka, Undead Unluck Episode 1 is the start of what looks to be an exceptional anime series by the team at David Production. An unlikely duo with bizarre powers is brought together in great buddy-comedy fashion as all sorts of hijinx are about to ensue.
Undead Unluck Episode 1 introduces viewers to the titular Undead and Unluck characters, Andy and Fuko respectively. Fuko decides to take her own life after finishing her favorite manga series because she believes she will never find the type of love and happiness that she just finished reading about. Her ability causes dreadful luck for anyone around her, hence the Unluck moniker.
Fuko encounters Andy as she prepares to jump off a bridge onto the train tracks below and threatens to stab him if he gets too close. She mentions a deadly disease that Andy would contract if he touched her, but little does she know that Andy also has a death wish of his own. He walks straight into her knife, much to the surprise of Fuko and viewers alike, before the Unluck powers set in and he falls to what seems like his death. Even more shocking for Fuko is that Andy isn’t dead but cannot die.
The two abilities set up a contrasting partnership that makes this duo an incredibly unlikely one, and the way they play off each other helps make this comedic series a hit from the start. The way Andy uses his ability to escape from the scene with Fuko all while brazenly in the nude and the way Fuko reacts to him is such a perfect combination. The over-the-top gags work well when Fuko responds like most viewers would in the same situation, and it helps make the two of them more endearing as characters. It’s impossible to not crack a smile at the dynamic between the two as they meet in Undead Unluck Episode 1.
While the two partner up in order to help each other, there are other forces at work behind the scenes. This dynamic duo won’t just be able to focus on their own desires, now they will have to deal with an organization that wants to use their abilities for their own purposes. It sets up a really interesting premise that gives this duo even more of a reason to work together for each other.
The most surprising part of Undead Unluck Episode 1 is the balance between dramatic moments and absurd comedy. Learning about Fuko’s backstory carries a ton of emotional weight that showcases the series’ ability to deliver truly great drama. On the flip side, moments like Fuko seeing Andy after his body regenerates posing stark naked hit so well comedically. Both the serious and the not-so-serious moments hit with the same force, something that can be hard to find a good balance.
It certainly helps that David Production knocks every single scene out of the park when it comes to animation. One particular scene that sticks out is a fiery plane crash that feels so visceral. There are so many moving parts that all look immaculate and work in tandem to deliver the emotional weight the scene is aiming for. The character animations for both Fuko and Andy are also perfect, the way they move and react physically helps drive home the intended impact of what they are saying or reacting to.
Undead Unluck Episode 1 sets the stage for an incredible series full of absurd comedy and beautiful animation. Fuko and Andy are such an unexpected duo, but that helps make their partnership so much easier to root for. As long as the series builds on this excellent premiere, Undead Unluck could go down as the best of the fall anime season.
Undead Unluck Season 1 is streaming now on Hulu.
Undead Unluck Episode 1
Undead Unluck Episode 1 sets the stage for an incredible series full of absurd comedy and beautiful animation. Fuko and Andy are such an unexpected duo, but that helps make their partnership so much easier to root for.