Directed by Peter Ramsey, Ahsoka Episode 4, aptly titled “Fallen Jedi,” seamlessly picks up where the previous episode left off. Ahsoka, Sabine, and Hyuang are faced with a pressing decision: prevent Morgan Elsbeth and her Force-wielding allies from locating Thrawn by destroying the map or steal back the map and embark on a quest to find Ezra themselves. This choice, which has loomed ominously throughout the season, is brought to the forefront, adding a new layer of urgency to the plot. Ahsoka’s concern for Sabine’s potential decision, given her connection to Ezra, underscores the gravity of the dilemma. As the episode unfolds, it becomes increasingly unclear what choice Sabine would make when faced with the prospect of either preventing her enemies from finding Thrawn or potentially losing Ezra forever.
“Fallen Jedi” maintains Ahsoka‘s cinematic pacing, leaving little room for viewers to think about the options in front of Ahsoka and Sabine, plunging viewers into a relentless whirlwind of action as Shin Hati and Marrok are tasked with tracking down our heroes. As soon as they are found, what follows is an adrenaline-fueled rollercoaster of non-stop action, punctuated only by the measured precision of Ahsoka’s combat style. Ahsoka’s fighting, reminiscent of a space samurai, dominates the episode as she wields a single blade with unparalleled grace. Yet, it’s not just Ahsoka’s prowess on display. Sabine’s determined and inventive fighting style mirrors Ahsoka’s samurai style, while Baylan Skoll’s medieval knight-like approach threatens to overwhelm our heroes. The attention to detail to ensure that every combatant feels unique in their lightsaber combat comes as a welcome sight after being so long without live-action lightsaber duels.
The title “Fallen Jedi” couldn’t be more fitting, as Ahsoka Episode 4 delves deep into the concept of fallen Jedi and their intricate dynamics. Ahsoka, who turned her back on the Jedi Order, stands at the heart of this theme, alongside Sabine, who has seemingly fallen before even becoming a Jedi herself. Baylan and Shin, the fallen Jedi now aligned with the enemy, further emphasize this theme. Even Anakin Skywalker’s fall from grace, the most iconic among fallen Jedi, plays a significant role as Baylan attempts to exploit Ahsoka’s past. It perhaps shows Ahsoka’s one true weakness, her connection to Anakin. What would she do to save Anakin from his fate? Is it any different than what Sabine would do to prevent an ill fate for Ezra?
Huyang’s remark about unconventional Jedi early in the season rings true throughout Ahsoka Episode 4, highlighting the inherent unorthodoxy in the paths of characters like Ahsoka and Anakin. Their divergence from the traditional Jedi teachings has consistently set them apart as outliers within the Order, a fact Baylan himself acknowledges during their intense battle. Ahsoka’s declaration, “Sometimes we have to do what’s right regardless of our personal feelings,” resonates deeply, encapsulating the core of the episode’s moral dilemma. The choices and sacrifices made by these fallen Jedi stem from their ability to rely on their personal convictions and their unrelenting desire to aid others, even in defiance of Jedi doctrine. This episode masterfully explores the complexity of these decisions, leaving viewers pondering the depths of Sabine’s impending choice.
As the credits roll on “Fallen Jedi,” an undeniable sense of foreboding hangs in the air. Not because the series has succumbed to the dreaded midseason slump that plagues many Star Wars Disney+ shows, but because the future is shrouded in uncertainty. Ahsoka Episode 4 subverts expectations and throws theories into disarray, evoking the same level of intrigue and unease that reverberated through the fandom after The Empire Strikes Back. While we hold out hope that our heroes will ultimately triumph, the episode’s conclusion leaves the path ahead shrouded in mystery. Speculation will run rampant until the next episode, a testament to Ahsoka‘s remarkable ability to captivate and surprise even the most seasoned fans of these beloved characters.
Ahsoka Episode 4 is available now on Disney+ with new episodes every Tuesday.
Ahsoka Episode 4 — "Fallen Jedi"
Ahsoka Episode 4 subverts expectations and throws theories into disarray, evoking the same level of intrigue and unease that reverberated through the fandom after The Empire Strikes Back.