Horimiya: The Missing Pieces Episode 4 shows the limitations of the series, despite the consistent, considerable charm. While the first season of Horimiya focused on a straight trajectory that followed the two characters, Miyamura and Hori, as they fell in love and discovered more about themselves through school and their friendships, “The Missing Pieces” skews closer to patchwork. It’s filling in the gaps in the manga that the anime overlooked. Episodes 2 and 3 excelled due to being about to stitch together an ongoing, overlying narrative, but Episode 4 “Hori Kotatsu” meanders a bit through shallower stories.
That said, with these characters and the whip-smart writing behind the series even the lesser episodes are worthwhile and constantly entertaining. Horimiya: The Missing Pieces is largely contained to the Hori household and its living room. Namely, their purchase of a kotatsu that’s become lethal for productivity. Hori’s younger brother, Sota, snoozes tucked underneath, as Miyamura tries to study alongside Hori. They’re even joined by Hori’s father, Kyosuke, who she hardly tolerates.
The major gag of the episode happens when the three adults get their legs tangled underneath the table, cramping in their efforts to get out. It’s lowbrow stuff but works due to how well we know the characters and their individual manners of handling conflict, no matter how inconsequential.
The greater part of the story split happens when Sengoku gets roped into following Kyosuke home, Miyamura and Hori awakening from another late night nap to him camped out at the table as well. The writing reminds us of Sengoku and Hori’s shared past, the two having grown up together and their comfort level with one another sibling-like. Part of why they were always together was their parents’ own shared past. The hostility with which Sengoku’s father treats Kyosuke indicates greater trouble, with the three teenagers watching on as they’re embarrassed by petty arguments.
Sengoku becoming something of a third lead has been one of the greater developments of the season. While his and Hori’s relationship typically results in her berating him and him revealing details of Hori’s character that surprises others (such as her brazen lack of self-consciousness with changing in front of him), his and Miyamura’s dynamic continues to delight. There are only throw-away lines here, but his panic when he realizes Miyamura might accidentally reveal his and Remi’s relationship to his father is hilariously animated and paced. Hori posed the more obvious threat as she taunts him about her knowledge, lording it over his head, Sengoku realizes that Miyamura is the obvious time bomb who could be his undoing.
The kotatsu might as well be its own individual character for how often it’s featured. It’s one of those details that allows greater insight into Horimiya: The Missing Pieces Episode 4. The humor is broad but it allows for a surprising amount of depth. Namely, Miyamura’s utmost comfort at Hori’s home, as he enters as if it’s his home too. This is mentioned by Sengoku’s father, who asks him if he lives there. Miyamura responds “Half the time.” It’s not just a great showcase of how happy and content he is when he’s with Hori, but also a good call back to how the series started with both being able to show one another their true selves while at Hori’s home, the versions of one another they didn’t want to share. It’s also a refreshing take on a main relationship in romance anime. Hori and Miyamura’s lives are intertwined and that’s shown through the natural way one might inhabit the other’s space.
Horimiya: The Missing Pieces Episode 4 lacks the momentum of the previous two episodes, which stalls the pacing. That said, the untethered nature of the installment allows for the characters to take comfort in small pleasures while also allowing for more straightforward back-and-forth between pairings we haven’t seen before. The charm remains present, even if the story itself is subdued in comparison to previous episodes.
Horimiya: The Missing Pieces is available now on Crunchyroll.
Horimiya: The Missing Pieces Episode 4
Horimiya: The Missing Pieces Episode 4 lacks the momentum of the previous two episodes, which stalls the pacing. The charm remains present, even if the story itself is subdued in comparison to previous episodes.