With the discovery that her ex-boyfriend was constructing a gate to exile people from our plane of existence for Blackheart, Patsy finally knew what Grantham was killed over. But with a set of photos revealing there may be more to her than meets the eye, Rick worries there may yet be more to this mystery in Hellcat #4, published by Marvel Comics, written by Christopher Cantwell, art by Alex Lins, colors by KJ Diaz, and letters by Ariana Maher.
While the last issue brought some major story elements to light, it would be foolish to assume that what is now known is all there is. After all, if we have learned anything about Patsy Walker’s life up to this point, nothing is ever that simple for her. Cantwell peels back more layers to the mystery, largely through Rick and Sleepwalker’s continuing investigation. The added revelations that Hellcat #4 brings to the narrative put several previously believed facts on their heads in some clever ways. The issue’s final confrontation sets up an immense moment for Patsy, as what happens next promises to have a lasting impact on the character.
With many of the high moments in the present coming through Sleepwalker’s unique brand of investigation, Lins takes these moments to showcase some unique looks for the book. The dreams that are explored have a wonderful mixture of the bizarre and the real as they blend with Patsy’s consciousness and her memories. As with all the book’s scenes, these moments are further heightened thanks to Diaz’s wonderful, tone-setting colors. From the warmest memories, the coldest moments, and the issue’s fiery finale, Diaz always brings the most out of each scene’s ambient energy. Balancing the strength of the background’s presence is Maher’s excellent sound design. Making every noise pop wonderfully, every character’s actions always feel like they have a presence thanks to her creative designs.
While the present day is filled with good and bad discoveries, Hellcat #4‘s past sequences are filled with nothing but pain. Following her friend’s expulsion from school, despite her best efforts to own up to her part in the offense, we see tragedy follow as Chet reels from what has happened to him. Lashing out at everyone, including Patsy, Chet soon finds himself on a downward spiral that only has one exit, which isn’t a pretty one. Cantwell, Lins, Diaz, and Maher guide the reader through Chet’s terrible story, sparing none of the worst from the reader’s eyes. Chet is a far cry from what we saw him as in the first issue of this series, and how swiftly he falls makes the final stop all the more painful.
Bringing it all together, Hellcat #4 delivers on all the mystery and danger the previous issues have built up. Now with all the pieces in place, the only thing left to learn is if Patsy can make it through this incredible series’ finale next month.
Hellcat #4 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Hellcat #4
Bringing it all together, Hellcat #4 delivers on all the mystery and danger the previous issues have built up.