Dr.STONE New World Episode 7 is a whirlwind installment of the series that sees its world grow in fascinating ways. As Senku (Yûsuke Kobayashi) and co. divide again with just a group of four — Senku, Gen (Kengo Kawanishi,) Kohaku (Manami Numakura,) Soyuz (Taito Ban) — approaching the island to see if there are any inhabitants and if they can direct them to where the centuries-old spaceship lies. With the revelation that Suika (Karin Takahashi) had snuck aboard as a stowaway and the team readying themselves for unknowable adventures that lay ahead of them, “Ray of Despair, Ray of Hope” had already been playing out in a manner suggesting a fun, invigorated episode. Then, the rug gets pulled out from under us.
There’s no doubt that the series is going big this time around, with multiple revelations and shocking discoveries already having been laid bare. Now, however, separated from the home they’ve become accustomed to, they’re hit with a new, potentially devastating incident. While on the island, Soyuz and Gen look to the ship to see why they haven’t returned their communications. What they find is that somehow, their whole team, minus Suika, who has been kicked off the ship by Ryusui (Ryôta Suzuki,) has been petrified. The first time we witness this happen in the premiere episode, it’s depicted in a ray of green light. This time is more foreboding because there isn’t any discernible clue (yet) as to where the petrification beam came from. While the force centuries ago was unstoppable, it at least manifested in a way in which they could identify the threat.
Now though, with just a mere flicker that gave them, or at least, Ryusui, a hint of what was to come, their ability to fight back is lessened until they find the source. The greatest indication of how dire the circumstances can be is depicted in how Senku is drawn in the moment of revelation. Often drawn with softer — cuter, even — edges this time, Dr.STONE New World Episode 7 uses hard lines and deep shadows to show him as the formidable force he is, even if he can’t act on it.
Most of the episode deals with the four (Suika’s whereabouts unbeknownst to them as they’d departed the ship before she was revealed) meeting Amaryllis (Saori Ōnishi,) a local woman whose beauty has captured those in her village. However, she claims she’s destined to marry someone labeled the “master.” She strikes an interesting contrast to the other four characters, especially as she uses her cleverness to try and manipulate, something that doesn’t go unnoticed. By the time she reveals her true motives at the end, which align with our heroes, we’re not shocked, but it’s a welcome revelation regardless, once again furthering the scope of the series as it continues to step outside of the box it’s been in for the past two seasons.
Amaryllis’s inclusion also, unfortunately, is yet another reminder of the greatest fault of the series, which is the baffling animation of female characters. While the male characters vary in style and quirks to distinguish them from one another, almost all of the female characters share the same facial components, which are delicate and minimal. It’s always been the most divisive element of the series and one we’re reminded of with the newest addition to the team.
Otherwise, Dr.STONE New World Episode 7 is structurally destabilizing, rattling our characters while allowing the implications to do the heavy dramatic work. Who has the power to the petrification beam, and why has Amaryllis been working so hard to infiltrate and marry the “master” to avoid greater consequences? By leaving these questions unanswered, the series keeps the momentum going as we eagerly await secrets of this world to be unearthed.
Dr.STONE New World is available now on Crunchyroll.
Dr.STONE New World Episode 7
Otherwise, Dr.STONE New World Episode 7 is structurally destabilizing, rattling our characters while allowing the implications to do the heavy dramatic work.