Avengers #1 is the start of a new series published by Marvel, written by Jed MacKay, art by C. F. Villa, colors by Federico Blee, and letters by Cory Petit. A new Avengers team gathers together, led by Captain Marvel. Their first test: an angry Terminus is destroying a Project Pegasus facility.
This is a comic that comes as a fresh start. Each character comes into the story with their issues going on, but that is not required to know coming into the book. If anything, MacKay brushes that off, often just referring to them as “recent events” or similar phrases. It shows that this issue can be considered brand new or a continuation. Previous events are referenced and are used as incentives for certain members to join. The structure is split between points in time. There is the main story, showing off the battle against Terminus. But then it moves to the past, showing Carol with a different member of her new Avengers lineup and bringing them into the fold. The controlling of pace is brilliant within the issue. The energy is high throughout Avengers #1, but enough time is spent in each scene to feel satisfying. Each Avenger gets two pages of conversation before returning to the present adventure. The fight is huge and exciting, ending with a massive explosion leading to the surprise for the next issue.
The characters and the dialogue are excellent. What is established early is the history between all of the figures involved. They know each other, have squabbled, and have actively fought each other, but still remain a close family. Everything they have been through remains integral, allowing them to move forward. Captain Marvel is a great leader (and has led the Avengers before). She has an air of the other Avengers greats in her, Cap’s heart, Tony’s ability to make people agree with him, and the godlike confidence of Thor. But there is her determination and a fieriness that is unique to her.
It should be noted that she has a slightly different remit to the team. They are no longer like a police force but more like firefighters. The statement that mindset depicts is powerful but just changes the comic’s tone in general, and it becomes more about saving lives than fighting criminals.
The voices of all of the heroes are clear. I noticed that many of the characters felt a feeling of trepidation towards joining, as if they weren’t worthy or did not expect Carol to pick them. So when they are brought together, despite their history, there are points where it seems awkward. But at the same time, it is always incredible seeing these characters brought back together.
The art is phenomenal. Villa creates gorgeous superhero action. Some of the most iconic characters in history go into battle against a giant alien robot, and it is presented gloriously. The scale is huge, and Temirnus looks incredible. But not just that, the characters are fantastic, just looking like normal people. Putting the heroes in normal locations and surroundings works superbly with this art style, whether in casual wear or just lounging around in conversation. Villa’s style is clean and resplendent. All of the Avengers look tall and ripped and incredible. The fight itself and seeing the Avengers moving around each other are fascinating in this style.
The colors are gorgeous. Exceptionally vibrant and always pretty, Blee is one of the most masterful colorists in mainstream comics. The shades feel unique and different, and their blending is stunning. Perhaps the best example of that is hair color, particularly Carol’s. It is colored as if the light has caught it and is always glowing, with multiple tones swirling within it. The lettering is excellent, with many classic Avengers word balloons, such as Iron Man, Thor, and Vision, making a comeback.
Avengers #1 starts the new era with vigor, and Mackay brings a refreshing and more streamlined focus. Interestingly, this team has adapted, or reverted, from being a team of enforcement to one of protection. The idea is to be a helping hand, not a boot on the neck. It makes the book uplifting and positive. The cast is classic and full of powerhouses in every form of the word. MacKay has partnered with an absolutely magnificent art team to bring the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes back.
Avengers #1 is available where comics are sold.
Avengers #1
Avengers #1 starts the new era with vigor, and Mackay brings a refreshing and more streamlined focus. The cast is classic and full of powerhouses in every form of the word.