In less than two weeks, HIDIVE will present one of its largest-ever fan experiences at this year’s Anime Boston 2023 (April 7 – 9). Encompassing multiple panels, numerous screenings, and bonus content, HIDIVE will be showcasing some of its top series and films set to debut online and in theaters this spring. The company’s event line-up kicks off on Thursday, April 7 at 11:30 am with the North American premiere of the special 90-minute first episode of OSHI NO KO ahead of the series’ global TV and streaming launch in Japan and on HIDIVE on April 12. Guests will be treated to a special pre-show video featuring the Japanese cast and receive an exclusive souvenir – random colored OSHI NO KO shikishi from the series’ Episode 1 theatrical release in Japan. The event is open to all Anime Boston badge holders and will be first-come, first-serve seating in the Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton Boston Hotel.
Other programming highlights include The Eminence in Shadow Dub Cast Panel and advance film screenings of Tsurune the Movie: The First Shot and the two-part compilation movie Re:cycle of the PENGUINDRUM. In addition, HIDIVE will reveal a brand-new list of series and movie acquisitions slated for 2023, together with dub announcements and more, during its fan-centric Industry Panel. And all weekend long, fans can look forward to promotional giveaways at HIDIVE events as well as its exhibit booth (Booth# 900). Attendees are invited to visit HIDIVE’s booth daily during regular show hours throughout Anime Boston 2023.
Fans attending HIDIVE events or visiting the HIDIVE exhibit booth during the weekend are encouraged to use the hashtag #HIDIVEBOSTON on their social posts.
HIDIVE Anime Boston 2023 Schedule of Events
(as of 03/27/23, All times listed are Eastern.)
Friday, April 7, 2023
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Sheraton Boston Hotel
Level Two
Grand Ballroom
OSHI NO KO – North American Premiere Screening
Screening of the special 90-minute first episode of the upcoming simulcast series OSHI NO KO that will stream on HIDIVE this spring. Attendees will also be treated to an exclusive pre-show featuring Japanese cast members Rie Takahasi, Takeo Otsuka, Yurie Igoma, and Kento Ito before the movie. OSHI NO KO is directed by Daisuke Hiramaki and Chao Nekotomi, together with writing by Jin Tanaka, character design by Kanna Hirayama, and animation by production studio Doga Kobo. Open to all badge holders.
Exclusive souvenir – random colored OSHI NO KO shikishi from the Japanese theatrical release – provided to all guests.
12:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Hynes Convention Center
Second Floor, Hall D
Booth 900
HIDIVE Exhibit Booth
Visit the HIDIVE exhibit booth daily for a variety of promotional giveaways, including posters, collectible coins, and a free trial subscription code.
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Sheraton Boston Hotel
Level Two
Constitution Ballroom
HIDIVE Industry Panel
Join hosts Star Butler and Jacki Jing as they share all the latest HIDIVE news as well as special video content created for Anime Boston. Be among a select group of fans to hear about our exciting new acquisitions as our hosts reveal, for the first time ever, future series and films titles headed to HIDIVE during the rest of 2023. Open to all badge holders.
3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Hynes Convention Center
Second Floor
Meeting Room 210
Re:cycle of the PENGUINDRUM Part 1 – Film Screening
Screening of Re:cycle of the PENGUINDRUM Part 1. Produced as a special film project commemorating the show’s 10th anniversary, Re:cycle of the PENGUINDRUM is a reimagining of the 2011 series – a compilation of the 24-episode anime that features all new sequences and a condensed run-time. Open to all badge holders. Promotional poster giveaway at screening.
Saturday, April 8, 2023
10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Hynes Convention Center
Second Floor, Hall D
Booth 900
HIDIVE Exhibit Booth
Visit the HIDIVE exhibit booth daily for a variety of promotional giveaways, including posters, collectible coins, and a free trial subscription code.
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Hynes Convention Center
Second Floor
Meeting Room 210
Tsurune the Movie: The First Shot – Film Screening
Screening of Tsurune the Movie: The First Shot, a compilation movie of the first season of the Tsurune anime series. The film was written and directed by Takuya Yamamura and produced by Kyoto Animation. Open to all badge holders.
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Hynes Convention Center
Third Floor
The Eminence in Shadow – English Dub Panel
Join members of the English dub cast and crew as they share their thoughts on the series as well as their favorite behind-the-scenes moments during its dub production. Open to all badge holders.
Panelists include:
▫ Adam Gibbs (Cid) ▫ John Swasey, ADR Director
▫ Christina Kelly (Alpha) PANEL HOST
▫ Annie Wild (Beta) ▫ Jacki Jing
English Dub Cast & Staff will be available for interviews
5:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Hynes Convention Center
Second Floor
Meeting Room 210
Re:cycle of the PENGUINDRUM Part 2 – Film Screening
Screening of Re:cycle of the PENGUINDRUM Part 2. Produced as a special film project commemorating the show’s 10th anniversary, Re:cycle of the PENGUINDRUM is a reimagining of the 2011 series – a compilation of the 24-episode anime that features all new sequences and a condensed run-time. Open to all badge holders.
Sunday, April 9, 2023
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Hynes Convention Center
Second Floor, Hall D
Booth 900
HIDIVE Exhibit Booth
Visit the HIDIVE exhibit booth daily for a variety of promotional giveaways, including posters, collectible coins, and a free trial subscription code.