With Fushi’s training yielding results, though possibly at a price, To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 11 sees him and Ecko arrive in Renril to help with the preparations for the upcoming Nokker attack. But when Bon arrives with the promised allies, he and Fushi have a disagreement that may splinter their alliance in this critical moment.
The falling out between Fushi and Bon provides this episode with its primary focus. While I think I understand the core issues that set the two companions at odds with each other, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m missing something. While I grasp Fushi’s displeasure with Bon’s actions and motives, I find the attitude that these things amount to an outright betrayal as strange. Fushi’s displeasure at Bon is strongly felt, even through the largely reserved way Fushi show’s his emotions. The level of frustration Fushi has simmering under the surface is well presented by the episode’s visuals, helping to emphasize his feelings toward Bon. While the episode is already a bit on the slow side, I wish To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 11 had taken the time to let Fushi elaborate on exactly why he is as upset as he is.
The other major element of To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 11 is the continuing effort to prepare Renril for the upcoming Nokker attack. Taken before the ruler of the city to request her help, the group is told that if they wish to have the support of the city, they must first win the city’s trust.
One of my favorite aspects of this current arc is how the show is building up Renril’s leader. Hidden behind her curtain, the character blends an air of mystery with a sense of wisdom and deep understanding. The choice to keep the individual concealed from both the party and the viewer makes them all the more intriguing. I feel like there is something special waiting to be revealed about them. Whether it’s physical or some element of their personality, I don’t know. But every interaction they participate in raises my curiosity about what the answer will be.
The other strength that To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 11 has that helps keep the viewer engaged is the new allies that Bon has brought to Fushi. While their presence is the source of significant friction for the group, their personalities make them interesting additions to the show. They feel like they will be able to grow the party dynamic well, as they each seem to bring a fresh perspective to the group.
To Your Eternity has always been first and foremost about people, and seeing the series makes a point to continue exploring how we are different and what we can show each other is a welcome thing. Along with their unique personalities, I also like how the show visually separates them from others in the group. Each looks unique, while not being so outlandish that they feel like they are from another world.
When all is said and done, To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 11 tells an interesting story that builds up the cast and the current story’s setting. I appreciate the interpersonal dynamics of the team, even if some elements could be better fleshed out.
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 11 is streaming on Crunchyroll.
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 11
To Your Eternity Season 2 Episode 11 tells an interesting story that builds up the cast and the current story’s setting. I appreciate the interpersonal dynamics of the team, even if some elements could be better fleshed out.