With everyone settling in at their new job, the boss announced an upcoming training retreat in Okinawa. While many of the employees are excited about the trip, Himuro seemed afraid of the coming journey. But with a bit of help from Fuyutsuki, he may just manage the challenges ahead in The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague Episode 2.
The good news is that this week’s episode was able to build a bit more focus than the pilot last episode thanks to the group’s business trip. The task of navigating the special challenges presented by Himuro’s unique nature allowed this episode to move in a far more fluid way than before. This is particularly true before the trip occurs, as Himuro tries to prepare thanks to Fuyutsuki’s help. However, while this aided The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague Episode 2 to overcome some of the show’s previous failings, it still has some huge hurdles to climb.
This episode continues to struggle with the show’s large lack of energy. So many moments that feel like they should be engaging or at least entertaining fall flat. This lack of expression or emphasis where dialogue and reaction are concerned is largely thanks to Fuyutsuki. She just always comes across as bland. Even during the frequent times Himuro is struck by how cute she supposedly is, I just can’t see it. Her flat monotone voice and expression are devoid of any personality.
The lack of personality that the episode suffers from isn’t helped any by its visuals either. While technically adequate, the show’s presentation does little to make anyone stand out or for any moment to land with more energy than the voice acting lends to it, which as previously stated, is often wanting.
Thankfully, there are some flashes of energy from the supporting cast. While not enough to truly liven the episode up, it helps bring up the energy a bit in this episode. Maybe if we can see more incorporation of the larger cast the show may yet manage to find its feet?
The episode also introduces even more oddities in Himuro’s nature due to his lineage. These challenges are surprising when they crop up, providing some relief from the doldrums that the episode often sets into. Each is dispatched quickly enough though, leaving little to remember of its presence.
While The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague Episode 2 manages to make some small improvements upon its predecessor, it clearly still has a long way to go. I want to retain some hope that this unique scenario may yet manage to bear some entertaining fruit, but it feels more and more like any fruit there was to be had will succumb to the frost that is this show’s many failings.
The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague Episode 2 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague Episode 2
While The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague Episode 2 manages to make some small improvements upon its predecessor, it clearly still has a long way to go. I want to retain some hope that this unique scenario may yet manage to bear some entertaining fruit, but it feels more and more like any fruit there was to be had will succumb to the frost that is this show’s many failings.