Open To It is a web comedy series created, written by, and starring Frank Arthur Smith and directed by Greg Wolf. When its first two episodes screened at Outfest LA, we called it “easily one of the funniest entries… at Outfest.” Now, this series about a couple experimenting with non-monogamy has its first two episodes streaming for free on its website with a third episode, featuring an appearance by Laganja Estranja, now available to purchase, with a portion of proceeds benefiting Trans Latina Coalition.
Greg (Frank Arthur Smith) and Cam (Tim Wardell) are in a happy relationship, but they’re looking to mix things up a bit. So in comes Princeton (Jason Caceres) to their lives, a young, hot, third they invite over together. Episode 1 works through a Greg’s personal insecurity and Cam’s confidence in their relationship before things go totally wrong. The show’s entire tone is set here: tons of over-the-top hot sex with absolutely irreverent and sometimes scatological humor. Greg’s innocence, Cam’s melodrama, and Princeton’s dumb hotness combine for a set of personalities that will be in constant collision with each other to humorous effect.
Episode 2 sees Greg go to meet Princeton by himself while Cam is supposed to go on a trip to Vegas. More of the same elements introduced in the first episode, as far as characters’ personalities and the humor, are expanded upon and taken to the next level here. The depth of Princeton’s one-notedness is exacerbated in an almost painfully awkward way but with just the right tone that it plays out with full humor and only a tinge of cringe. The underlying examination of non-monogamy begins to expand through Open To It‘s second episode and really catches hold by the third.
Once Episode 3 rolls around, we find Greg getting attached to Princeton while Cam is increasingly unenthused by the open relationship, given their uneven experiences thus far. Greg is meant to break things off with Princeton, but they have a run in at a drag show Cam is performing at and things most certainly go in a different direction. By the third episode’s end, you can tell that the full series is meant to create a bit of whiplash back and forth between Greg and Cam’s desires, their relationship, and their confidence in either. I certainly look forward to the full series and where its characters land by the end.
Stories exploring non-traditional relationship structures, especially non-monogamy and polyamory are ever-increasingly popular these days, and Open To It is among my favorites for its heavily comedic approach. There are notes of sincerity throughout the first episodes that I can sense will be expanded upon, but to me, this approach of pure fun and comic experimentation is a perfect means by which to explore the types of characters and types of relationships present in the series. I will certainly look forward to seeing where it goes from here.
Open To It is streaming its first three episodes now. Episodes 1-2 are free and proceeds from Episode 3 benefit Trans Latina Coalition.
Open To It Episodes 1-3
There are notes of sincerity throughout the first episodes that I can sense will be expanded upon, but to me, this approach of pure fun and comic experimentation is a perfect means by which to explore the types of characters and types of relationships present in the series. I will certainly look forward to seeing where it goes from here.