Spy x Family is an action/comedy shonen anime produced by WIT Studio and CloverWorks. With Bond now a permanent member of the Forgers, life can return to normal. Or can it? When Yor shows up much later than usual, Loid starts to worry that she might be up to something in Spy x Family Episode 16.
When settling into an episode of Spy x Family, nothing makes me happier than learning it will be a Yor-centric story. The wonderful, charming character often gets underused in the series, so seeing her take center stage is always a bonus.
In Spy x Family Episode 16‘s initial introduction, the episode does a great job of toying with the viewer’s expectation of what is going on with Yor. We are given hints from Loid’s perspective that something strange is happening. And while lives are indeed in danger, it’s not for the reasons a viewer may assume.
When the meaning of Yor’s late arrival home is revealed, it ushers in a charming and enjoyable story that is filled with heart and a few chuckles. The series even manages to utilize Yor’s brother Yuri well. Given that he was my least favorite aspect of season one, I was pleasantly surprised when his appearance here didn’t completely tank the narrative for me.
The final payoff for this enjoyable little story comes when the results of Yor’s efforts come home with her. We get to see another small moment of change for Yor, as her focus on why she wishes to make her family work continues to develop.
While Yor’s misadventure is the focus of Spy x Family Episode 16, we also get a brief look at Loid’s compatriot Franky. We see this supporting character reach out to Loid with a request for aid. While Loid isn’t immediately interested, Franky is able to bring the spymaster around to his side. Though what help Loid brings is of mixed effectiveness.
While this short backup story mostly plays on Franky’s odd personality, there is a bit of emotion blended into the silliness. As a purely comedic element to the series in his previous appearances, getting to see some genuine emotion from the character is a pleasant change. That it also lets Loid have a moment to share emotions with someone he doesn’t have to pretend with is a bonus as well.
The visuals do a great job of bringing both of this episode’s stories to life. Yor’s earnest nature and desire to succeed shine throughout her story. Meanwhile, Franky’s struggles are given just the right amount of weight. They feel impactful and important, but the show never presents the problems in such a way as to kill the energy for the episode entirely.
Spy x Family Episode 16 delivers another entry filled with charm, humor, and heart. It continues to forge its starring family into something more than just three people striving to protect themselves and their personal interests.
Spy x Family Episode 16 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Spy x Family Episode 16
Spy x Family Episode 16 delivers another entry filled with charm, humor, and heart. It continues to forge its starring family into something more than just three people striving to protect themselves and their personal interests.