The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting is a slice-of-life anime produced by Gaina and feel. With the attack on Yaeka thwarted, but the little lady nonetheless injured and hospitalized, Kirishima went on a rampage. Now, as the dust settles, what will Kirishima do as he struggles to come to terms with himself in The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 11?
One of the hardest struggles in reviewing is making sure you are judging a thing by what it is trying to be and not by what you want it to be. The intent of a piece of media can greatly alter how it approaches concepts and the emotional themes it presents to the consumer. Expecting all forms of media to adhere to a singular “right” way of presenting these elements is a trap that is extremely easy to fall into. One I’m struggling with as I sit here to review The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 11.
Like so much of this series, the deep emotional moments this episode delivers are heartfelt, yet also fleeting. The guilt and blame that Kirishima heaps on himself for being the reason Yaeka was attacked is given a considerable amount of weight until the viewer sees how quickly the whole affair wraps up. The solution is so quickly achieved that it makes the moment feel far more hollow than it should. But, would it have felt right for The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting to launch into a three-episode arc where the family searches for Kirishima, hoping to find him before he makes a terrible mistake? No, I don’t think so. But if giving it its due wouldn’t work, and the quick clean fix it goes for here feels lacking as well, what is the solution?
Ultimately, I think The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 11 simply bites off more than it can chew. While I think the general direction of the episode is a must given what transpired last time, I think the show delves too deep into the emotional abyss. While Kirishima’s feelings seem like a state someone could fall into, since the series isn’t equipped to properly resolve those feelings it would’ve been better if it hadn’t gone so hard in the first place.
While the bulk of the focus is aimed squarely at Kirishima, this episode does a good job of delivering the rest of the cast’s reaction and feelings toward the ongoing situation. Sugihara and Yaeka in particular are given moments that hit home in deep and believable ways.
The visuals do a commendable job of delivering this episode’s emotionally turbulent tale. The visuals always understand exactly what each scene is trying to convey and never fail to reinforce it.
So, with so much packed into one small 20ish-minute package, where do I fall on The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 11? While it ambitiously tries to craft an emotional tale that delivers some hard-hitting moments, its efforts are betrayed by its established format and tone. While I love what it is trying to say, I cannot shake the feeling it should’ve let someone else say it.
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 11 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 11
So, with so much packed into one small 20ish-minute package, where do I fall on The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 11? While it ambitiously tries to craft an emotional tale that delivers some hard-hitting moments, its efforts are betrayed by its established format and tone. While I love what it is trying to say, I cannot shake the feeling it should’ve let someone else say it.