The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting is a slice-of-life anime produced by Gaina and feel. With his would-be rival off his back, Kirishima can go back to looking after Yaeka in peace. But that peace is about to be disturbed, though in a good way, when Yaeka brings home her first friend in The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 6.
This week’s story focuses on two quintessential childhood experiences—making friends and celebrating one’s birthday. These two aspects of life are brought together fluidly in this episode. Yaeka runs into a new girl at the park as her birthday draws near. The duo instantly hit it off, as her new friend is the kind of outgoing personality it is hard to say no to. Full of energy and enthusiasm, Sugihara quickly comes to refer to the young girl as the “Little Storm.”
While Yaeka is off making her first friend, Kirishima spends much of The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 6 preparing a special birthday surprise for the little lady. Having come from a rather poor background, Kirishima never got much in the way of presents for his birthdays. So, rather than simply buy his charge a gift, Kirishima devotes himself to preparing Yaeka the same sort of gift his mother always gave him to celebrate his birthday.
While this glimpse into Kirishima’s childhood delivers a lot of touching feelings during this story, it also goes a long way to explaining the forcefulness with which Kirishima fights for the family. Having come from so little, the family he has found himself with has given him a lot. The reasons behind his passion and frequent over-enthusiasm in its defense become more apparent through this glimpse behind the curtain.
The other element of The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 6’s story that I love is how it highlights the adaptability and acceptance of children. At first glance, you wouldn’t think the quiet and reserved Yaeka would get along with the whirlwind of emotions that has just blown into her life. But rather than focusing on the chaos her new friend leaves in her wake, Yaeka sees only the happiness and joy the girl gifts her. I hope nothing but good things await this duo as their friendship grows.
The animation delivers everything I have come to expect from this series, plus a little something more. While Kirishima is preparing Yaeka’s birthday gift, he first runs into a bit of a snag. How the show delivers this hiccup made me laugh far more than I would’ve expected. This is largely due to the unexpected way the visuals present the moment, both showing and not showing the ramifications of Kirishima’s slip-up.
When all is said and done, The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 6 brings plenty of heart and laughs to its narrative. In addition, it continues to build up its cast and world wonderfully, crafting a group of characters the viewer can’t help but love.
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 6 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 6 - "First Friend"
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting Episode 6 brings plenty of heart and laughs to its narrative. In addition, it continues to build up its cast and world wonderfully, crafting a group of characters the viewer can’t help but love.