Shine On! Bakumatsu Bad Boys is produced by Geno Studio. With their raid ending in destroying the evidence they sought and the official they were meant to capture dead, the Shinsengumi now stands in disgrace. But they have been given an opportunity to restore their honor, but they only have three days to see it done in Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 7.
In desperate need of a win and fast, the various members of the Shinsengumi employ all of their previously established connections to hunt down any lead they can about the Masked Demons or anyone working with them. This series of small moments continue to see the series make full use of its ensemble cast in a way that allows their personalities to integrate with the ongoing story.
But while Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 7 continues to utilize its larger cast well, the star of this episode is Ichibanboshi. As he is the one most directly responsible for the group’s failure during their raid in the previous episode, Ichibanboshi opens this episode in a holding cell at the Shinsengumi’s base. Here we find him continuing to grapple with the facts surrounding his brother’s survival as well as his own recent actions.
Much like the last episode, I appreciate some of the characters’ struggles, while I feel like others are just too overdone. I continue to hope that the series manages to move past this entire element quickly so its lead can move on with his story.
The other spot where Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 7 stumbles for me is with the trotting out of an old anime cliche that I am so tired of, the over-the-top flustering over a kiss.
In order to do her part, Akira seeks out a contact to see if they can provide any information regarding the Masked Demons. While this connection does payoff, Akira has no intel to share in trade. Because of this, her contact requests a kiss on the cheek as a token of thanks. Given everything that we have been shown about Akira in previous episodes, that her character can barely handle delivering a meaningless peck on the cheek to someone is eye-rolling. I get it; it’s anime; ergo, no one can kiss someone they aren’t in a multi-year relationship with without having a mild panic attack, but the trope is just so tired. I get that anime is often about exaggeration, but use it when it makes sense, please.
The visuals deliver the story’s narrative well, especially with how it helps to establish the tension among its cast. Everyone’s body language helps to reaffirm just how critical preserving the Shinsengumi is to them. Combined with some convincing voice work and this episode manages to preserve its tone nicely.
When all is said and done, Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 7 delivers a solid, if not flawless, transition episode that deals with the repercussions of the last episode while setting up the battles to come.
Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 7 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 7
When all is said and done, Shine On Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 7 delivers a solid, if not flawless, transition episode that deals with the repercussions of the last episode while setting up the battles to come.