Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Season 1 is a romantic comedy anime produced by Doga Koba. All his life, Yuu has been plagued with bad luck. Everything from losing his wallet to nearly being hit by cars is a constant danger for the young man. However, he is lucky enough to have some wonderful friends in his life. And at the center of this circle is his girlfriend, Shikimori. Not just a cutie, she has also taken it upon herself to see him safely through any danger life throws at him. And he is determined to do everything for her that he can, too.
When I started watching Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Season 1, I half expected the show to be little more than a series of sight gags that would see Yuu blissfully unaware of his misfortunes, bumble through his day as Shikimori leaped around deflecting projectiles, and pulling him out of the way of danger. While the show does utilize this scenario numerous times throughout the season’s 12 episodes, it takes great pains to explore these two characters more deeply and highlight not just what Shikimori does for Yuu, but what he does for her as well.
On the surface, it would be understandable for a passerby to wonder why Shikimori puts up with Yuu’s perennial bad luck. It constantly ruins virtually everything he touches and leads to a lot of undue work for those around him. As the show peels back the layers of its star couple we learn just how much Yuu does to attempt to mitigate his poor luck, especially where Shikimori is concerned.
All the effort he puts into avoiding catastrophe goes a long way to show just how much he appreciates his ever-vigilant girlfriend. He knows she’ll save him from anything, but he never seems to take this protection for granted. And when possible, he goes out of his way to protect others, even if the results don’t generally go as smoothly as Shikimroi’s do.
Further strengthening Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Season 1‘s plot is the way the story explores both characters as well as those around them. The background and nuance of these characters help the viewer understand the ties that bind them together. In this way, the core group of characters grows into a fully fleshed-out cast of characters who all have their quirks and strengths.
The biggest complaint I have with this season’s narrative is how much it comes to lean on settings and concepts that begin to feel a bit repetitive. Culture festivals and school sports events feel like they become far too prevalent during the season’s run. While the stories told during these events are wonderful, I would’ve loved to see a bit more variety in the settings they take place in.
The visual presentation in Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Season 1 goes a long way to making this series stand out. While the character and world design are fairly standard for a high school anime, the way the series captures the shifting emotions of characters creates a vibe that is all its own. This is most frequently used to highlight how Shikimroi transforms from a sweetheart to a badass at the drop of a hat. It’s tough to explain, but once you see it, the impression sticks with you.
When all is said and done, Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Season 1 delivers laughs, heart, and a lot of fun as it explores the motivations, strengths, and fears of its wonderful cast. While high school anime are common, I think this series has more than enough going for it to stand out from the pack.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Season 1 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Season 1
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Season 1 delivers laughs, heart, and a lot of fun as it explores the motivations, strengths, and fears of its wonderful cast. While high school anime are common, I think this series has more than enough going for it to stand out from the pack.