Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie is a romantic comedy anime produced by Doga Koba. Having completed the relay race, the Sports Festival now fades into the past for the exhausted students. With some time for themselves, Shikimori and Yuu decide they should go on a date. But Shikimori is struggling with what to wear. So she and her brother head to the mall so she can find something that will look just right in Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 11.
With the recent connection made to Shikimori’s relationship with her brother and how she interacts with Inuzuka, this episode dives deeper into Shikimori’s past and the part her brother plays in it. Shikimori has changed a lot in the past couple of years to become the person we have met in the show. Her journey is one I wouldn’t have expected, as the young Shikimori we are introduced to in this episode’s flashbacks is not nearly as self-assertive and confident as the one we know in the present day.
While Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 11 sees a big shift in the character’s personality, the motivations and causes of this shift allow the transformation to feel wholly believable. It’s not uncommon for young people to radically shift their personas as they strive to become the person they want to be. These shifts in outlook come naturally in this story as Shikimori struggles to find her own identity. And surprising no one, she might just stumble into an unlucky young man who will serve as an unexpected catalyst in her search for who she wants to be.
Along with the evolution of her character, Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 11 fleshes out why Shikimori is so physically adept. Since the show has never hinted at any particular reason for why Shikimori has cat-like reflexes and such strong physical stamina, the impression has been that it’s just how she is. This story’s glimpse into the protagonist’s past explores these aspects of her, making it more reasonable for her to be so good at saving Yuu.
The last aspect of this episode’s story I have to talk about is Shikimori’s brother Fuji. The show walks a delicate line with this character and how he relates to his younger sister. While mostly coming across as distant, the show makes it a point to give the character just enough warmth to assure viewers he cares about his little sister. Like many siblings, however, they are different people. While Fuji seems to struggle with his interactions with Shikimori, he never comes across as cold towards her.
The visuals throughout this time-hopping narrative do a solid job of keeping the viewer aware of when they are watching once the past setting is established. As Shikimroi grows and changes, the visuals capture these moments with all the charm and style I have come to associate with the show.
When all is said and done, Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 11 delivers a charming look into its titular character’s past and how she became the strong, protective character we have come to know and love.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 11 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Shikimori's Not Just A Cutie Episode 11
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 11 delivers a charming look into its titular character’s past and how she became the strong, protective character we have come to know and love.