Marauders #2 is published by Marvel Comics, written by Steve Orlando, art by Eleonora Carlini, colours by Matt Milla, and letters by Ariana Maher. Captain Pryde gathered a new group of Marauders, and they have ventured into space to rescue the First Mutants. But the Shi’ar don’t want the First Mutants found and are willing to kill for it. They unleash the Crimson Kin and Eric the Red. In this issue, Eric uses an army of holograms to fight the Marauders. And the Shi’ar are even more determined to keep the mutants away.
The plot of this issue has two aspects to it: the battle and the mystery. The fight itself is fantastic. A fast pace is maintained throughout the issue as the team is in close confines against a lot of enemies. The frantic speed leads to confusion over what is happening, but that can be fun for much of the book. This is interspersed with the Majestrix and the rest of the Shi’ar and their resolute protection of the First Mutants. It is clear that there is a story deep underneath, one that is gripping enough to maintain interest. The battle ends in a dramatic fashion and creates a sense of peril. The ending of the issue as a whole is left with a question, but one that holds lives in the balance.
The characters of this comic are already shining. The banter between them is building. The group may still be too large, as many of the characters are yet to really find a voice, but there are glimmers of how they might help this quest. They act largely like individuals, but when it matters in the end they all show what they can do. The best characters in my view are Daken and Aurora, but that is mainly due to their dialogue being the ones that provide the most entertainment. There’s an intense flirtation between them which is par for the course for both characters, and Daken hitting on anything or anyone, then becoming incredibly violent in a manner of seconds makes him fascinating. Kate’s leadership is powerful, as is her willingness to trade swords with even the biggest of foes. Cassandra Nova remains an enigma. Although she is on the sidelines for a lot of Marauders #2 she remains an unknown quantity.Â
But perhaps the most interesting character is the one who is apparently the enemy. The new Majestrix, Xandra, is so interesting because she is almost a pawn in her own empire’s mission. All of the codes and doctrines have existed before she was even born. She likes and respects the X-Men and the Marauders, but her loyalty to the Shi’ar comes first. This conflict may be one of the most pivotal parts of the series.
The art has a lot to like but is not quite perfect. The manga influences that seem to reside in Carlini’s art remain distinct, and on display in a fight scene, it is awesome for the most part. The movement and the way that speed is accentuated are exhilarating. Daken, Psylocke, Captain Pryde, and Aurora are all natural fits for the style. Likewise, many of the locations are drawn nicely too. The alien planets are creative and hopefully we see more of them in this spacefaring series. But during the battle, the titled panel layout and sheer chaos on the page can be hard to follow. There are characters everywhere and lines everywhere, and not enough space between them. It can make these moments appear too crowded. It is possible that the claustrophobia is intentional, but so much in one panel can be too confusing.
The colours are vibrant and really fit the kinetic energy of the art. The powerful red from Eric’s forces are eye-catching and stands out against the other parts of the comic. But like the line art, there are points where the tones overload the page. The lettering is the standard comic font.
Marauders #2 is an energetic and entertaining issue. The team is starting to gel together and the fight scenes are a blast, even if it is hard to make out what is happening sometimes. The hidden history of the Shi’ar is a really curious mystery and there are multiple plot threads that will keep this series active and full of surprises. Many of the characters have depth and that always leads to unpredictability.
Marauders #2 is available where comics are sold.
Marauders #2
Marauders #2 is an energetic and entertaining issue. The team is starting to gel together and the fight scenes are a blast, even if it is hard to make out what is happening sometimes. The hidden history of the Shi’ar is a really curious mystery and there are multiple plot threads that will keep this series active and full of surprises. Many of the characters have depth and that always leads to unpredictability.