Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie is a romantic comedy anime produced by Doga Koba. Yuu Izumi is heading out for the first day of the new school year. Unfortunately for him, even just walking down the road can be a hazard. You see, Izumi has the worst luck imaginable. From small things like tripping on strangely placed stones to nearly getting side-swiped by cars, bad things are always happening to Izumi. Luckily for him, he has a guardian angel in the form of his high school sweetheart Shikimori in Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 1.
High School comedies are a dime a dozen in the anime medium. Awkward guys, pretty girls, and all the growing pains of those informative years are well-trodden ground every anime season. But despite the over-abundance of entries in the genre, every so often a genuine diamond manages to be found in the rough. Much like last season’s Komi Can’t Communicate, this series manages to separate itself thanks to an endearing cast that is built around the show’s star and their particular struggles with life.
Izumi’s bad luck is truly something to behold. From the moment he steps out his door in the opening moments of Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 1, he is assailed by one hazardous situation after another. He would easily be called the unluckiest man alive if not for the presence of Shikimori in his life.
Shikimori is cute and charismatic, and whenever her sweetheart is in trouble she becomes a bit of a badass. Lighting reflexes and ninja-like agility becomes the order of the day. And while some question why a cutie like Shikimori would go through all this trouble to be around a rather unassuming character like Izumi, the answer can easily be found in the kindness, the appreciation, and the sweetness that Izumi always shows towards her.
The way the duo bounces from humorous moments of Shikimori spin kicking falling signs away from Izumi to heartfelt moments of emotional support is done so fluidly that I would struggle to b believe it possible had I not watched it myself. Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 1 manages to not just balance these two halves of its narrative, but manages to weave them together to create a whole that is far more than the sum of its parts.
Surrounding the show’s starring duo is a delightful cast of friends and family. What makes me the happiest about the show’s choice of companions for the duo is that it opts out of having that one friend that feels like they are not really a friend. While some of their fellow students look down on Izumi and question why Shikimori would spend time with him, these sentiments are never expressed by anyone in their circle. Rather, the couple receives nothing but support from their friends where their relationship is concerned. Though a little gentle ribbing at Izumi’s expense happens thanks to his incredibly bad luck, nothing done by his friends passes from the realm of playful to hurtful.
The visuals throughout Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 1 captures the fun and heart of the show wonderfully. The highlight of this episode’s visuals is easily the delivery of Shikimori herself. How she transforms from cutie to cool always makes the moments pop perfectly. Thinking back at how the show delivers these moments still forces a smile to my face.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 1 delivers heart, humor, and a beautiful depiction of high school romance. Izumi and Shikimori are a fabulous couple and I can’t wait to see where Izumi’s bad luck and their mutual affection for each other takes them as the series moves forward from here.
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 1 is streaming on Crunchyroll.
Shikimori's Not Just A Cutie Episode 1
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie Episode 1 delivers heart, humor, and a beautiful depiction of high school romance. Izumi and Shikimori are a fabulous couple and I can’t wait to see where Izumi’s bad luck and their mutual affection for each other takes them as the series moves forward from here.