Love After World Domination is a romantic comedy anime produced by Project No. 9. With their first date a success, Fudo and Desumi were looking forward to their budding romance together. However, a lull in Gekko operations means the duo hasn’t had a chance to communicate recently. This dry spell has left both a bit on edge. But when Gelato’s sensors pick up the energy signature of a new weapon being developed at Gekko HQ, there is only one man who can sneak in to take it out in Love After World Domination Episode 3.
This episode features a bit of a format change from previous episodes. Rather than deliver one seamless story, Love After World Domination Episode 3 splits its narrative into two smaller parts. While this format allows the story to cover more ground I don’t think I like it as much as when it keeps its focus to a single plot. The episode’s opening infiltration mission felt like it had so much more to offer than we end up getting before it wraps up at the commercial break.
Despite this less focused approach, the show still manages to deliver all the humor and sweetness it has in the past. Fudo and Desumi continue to be a wonderful pair and the show’s world continues to develop into a blissfully bizarre setting that is ripe with humor. This humor is so well delivered that even when the oncoming joke is easily foreseeable I couldn’t help but laugh. The sight gags and timing are all delivered impeccably.
Love After World Domination Episode 3 also continues to grow the show by expanding upon the world. While last week’s episode did this by letting the viewer get to know some of Fudo’s key supporting characters better, this week gives the viewer their first look at the larger cast that makes up Gekko. This first introduction is notably brief, but there looks to be a lot of fertile ground for comedy from this eclectic group of misfits.
The final major element of this episode is how it sets up the plot going forward. In the back half of Love After World Domination Episode 3 Desumi tips Fudo off to Gekko’s next attack so he can be sure to meet her there. Suspecting that Fudo is up to something, Misaki and Arisugawa(Pink Gelato) follow him to see what is up. The events that follow begin to lay the groundwork for what one can assume will be the inevitable discovery of the happy couple’s relationship.
The visuals throughout this episode never fail to aid in the delivery of the series’ humor and heart. This is particularly true for Desumi’s perennial partner in crime Culverin Bear. Several of the episode’s best moments are his and this is in no small part to the visual delivery of the character.
When all is said and done, Love After World Domination Episode 3 continues the show’s winning streak beautifully. While I do think it covers more ground than it needed to, hopefully now that the series has its path set it will let the various plot beats flow a bit more naturally from here.
Love After World Domination Episode 3 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Love After World Domination Episode 3
When all is said and done, Love After World Domination Episode 3 continues the show’s winning streak beautifully. While I do think it covers more ground than it needed to, hopefully now that the series has its path set it will let the various plot beats flow a bit more naturally from here.