Platinum End is a dark fantasy shonen anime produced by Signal.MD. Having made initial contact with the final God Candidate, Mirai and the others agree to announce what they will do if they are elected God before the world. But when the final candidate reveals himself, he comes bearing a theory that may change the situation for all involved in Platinum End Episode 19.
Since the show’s opening moments when Mirai is saved by his angel and informed of his new status as a God Candidate, the existence of God in this version of the world has been a given. However, much has been left unsaid where the nature of God is concerned. After all, God is looking for a replacement. This fact alone means that the divine of this reality is not the deity worshiped by any religion I’ve ever heard of. What else might be different?
Amidst all the scheming, murder, and philosophical debates, these details have managed to fly under the radar for the candidates and me, to be honest. What Platinum End Episode 19 brings to this discussion is an unforeseen and interesting twist to the situation. While the core concepts presented by the final candidate are not truly original where the interaction between humans and the divine are concerned, I have never seen it utilized in a modern setting before.
As you have probably deduced by now, this episode once more forgoes any action and violence for the deep dive into the nature of the candidates, the competition, and God. However, due to the surprising focus of the conversation, this episode’s dialogue-heavy tale doesn’t feel bogged down as some earlier episodes did where they rehashed Mirai’s refusal to kill for the fifth time.
What also helps this episode’s narrative is that the entire conversation takes place in front of nearby news cameras. This allows the show to frequently cut away from the candidates and let the population’s reactions provide some commentary on what is being discussed.
These moments with random individuals as they weigh in on what they think feels surprisingly authentic. There aren’t any overly exaggerated moments of shock or offense, as anime often wants to do. Instead, the grounded reactions of the general populace fit well with the serious content of the discussion being observed.
The visuals in Platinum End Episode 19 deliver all the weight of the episode’s discussion expertly. As the final candidate presents his theories concerning God, the visuals that accompany the information always help to reinforce and add weight to what is being said.
The revelations throughout this story craft an interesting moment for the unfolding narrative Platinum End has been telling. But while I thoroughly enjoyed what this episode delivers, what it leaves off with promises an entirely different tale for next week.
Platinum End Episode 19 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
Platinum End Episode 19
The revelations throughout this story craft an interesting moment for the unfolding narrative Platinum End has been telling. But while I thoroughly enjoyed what this episode delivers, what it leaves off with promises an entirely different tale for next week.