Fate/Grand Order Final Singularity The Grand Temple of Time: Solomon(Fate Grand Order Final Singularity) is a fantasy anime produced by CloverWorks. Having closed the seventh singularity in Ancient Mesopotamia, Fujimaru, Mash, Romani, Da Vinchi, and the rest of the Chaldea crew must now face their final challenge if they are to restore humanity and all its history.
Despite the franchise’s sometimes less than stellar depictions of the historical figures it utilizes, the various entries in the Fate franchise I’ve gotten to experience have come to occupy a special place in my heart. Far more than the eye-dazzling visuals and bombastic signature attacks, Fate first and foremost never fails to deliver tales of hope. In the face of struggle, hardship, and death, the message always comes through that it is always worth it to strive to make things better. To fight for one more day, even if that day is the only one you have left.
With the Fate Grand Order series already visiting so many places, times, and historical figures, Fate Grand Order Final Singularity was facing some significant expectations from me. Doing so much build-up justice isn’t easy and far smaller adventures than this have failed to stick that all-important final landing. And while there were moments where I thought this movie would fall short of what I desired of it, in the end, it came through on all fronts.
From the movie’s opening scenes, as the crew of Chaldea take a final moment to prepare before the plunge into battle, till the credits rolled, I found myself enamored as always with the franchise’s signature blend of action, drama, and philosophy. Not to mention a couple of genuine surprises the plot threw at me in the final stretch of the movie.
But while there is some opening drama and points where the film slows down for a debate or two about the nature of humanity and the meaning of existence or lack thereof, Fate/Grand Order Final Singularity devouts a significant portion of its time to the action. The core moments this movie throws at you are arguably the biggest set-piece moments I’ve ever experienced in anime. There are a ton of cameos and guest appearances from previous characters that lend weight to the final clashes for humanity. Huge attacks rain down on even larger foes as the movie successfully delivers the kind of punch it needs.
But despite so much going on, at the heart of this movie is Fujimaru and Mash. The duo has come a long way since Mash found her future Master unconscious in that random hallway in Chaldea. The pair of protagonists bring all the heart, determination, and hope that they require to shine even brighter than the action that comes to envelop them.
To me, Fate Grand Order Final Singularity manages to deliver on all the myriad elements I love about the franchise while managing to dodge most of its failings. The battles, heart, and hope for the future shine throughout the film’s hour and a half run time. If you have enjoyed the signature style of Fate in the past, this movie is worth watching even if you have seen the entirety of Fate Grand Order.
Fate/Grand Order Final Singularity The Grand Temple of Time: Solomon is streaming on Funimation.
Fate/Grand Order Final Singularity The Grand Temple of Time: Solomon
To me, Fate/Grand Order Final Singularity manages to deliver on all the myriad elements I love about the franchise while managing to dodge most of its failings. The battles, heart, and hope for the future shine throughout the film’s hour and a half run time. If you have enjoyed the signature style of Fate in the past, this movie is worth watching even if you have seen the entirety of Fate/Grand Order.