Scarlet Nexus is a sci-fi anime from Sunrise, based on the video game by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Having opted to let Yuito escape from their confrontation last episode, Kasane’s squad finds itself under scrutiny by the Seiran government. Meanwhile, Yuito and his squad’s situation will become far more complicated as the connection between Yuito and the Kunad Gate has been established in Scarlet Nexus Episode 10.
This episode’s narrative finds itself in an awkward position. Much of the plot the show explores in this installment are details that have been known to the viewer before this episode. This robs the corresponding moments of much of their impact as the viewer simply takes in what they already knew. It’s awkward because the show has to get the cast caught up on the information. It just compounds the show’s narrative problems as Scarlet Nexus Episode 10 continues to move the plot around too quickly; just this time, much of that plot is more of a recap than a revelation. Also, bringing down this episode is a badly handled confrontation between Kasane and her squadmates.
Tired of Kasane trying to solo carry all the emotional burdens that come from her concern over Naomi’s continuing predicament and the decision to kill Yuito to close the Kunad Gate, her squadmates confront her, insisting that she let them in to help. This moment comes out of the blue, with one character simply blurting out their concerns, and while by the end of it, the team seems to be satisfied with the resolution of the conversation I couldn’t see where Kasane had actually agreed to do anything differently, despite everyone acting as if she had.
Meanwhile, Scarlet Nexus Episode 10 spends time with Yuito’s squad as they continue their investigations. While there is a moment of interesting revelation here, once again, the show muddies the delivery of this side of the episode’s plot by taking shortcuts and not showing moments that, while not strictly plot-critical, creates the feeling that a step in a sequence was skipped. You see characters in one situation, and then they are magically somewhere else. And while the change in their situation is explained in a line of dialogue, it still feels like some part of the transition should’ve been shown to make the whole sequence run smoother.
The visuals throughout the episode do a fine job of delivering the story’s various moments. While nothing exceptional is delivered through the art or animation, the show does maintain a strong consistency in its presentation of both the world and the characters that inhabit it. The way the characters present their emotions has grown familiar thanks to the show’s consistent delivery.
When all is said and done, Scarlet Nexus Episode 10 is a low point for the series. While steadily moving the plot forward, its mishandling of certain key moments causes it to slip down the quality scale. Hopefully, the next episode will bring something better to the series.
Scarlet Nexus Episode 10 is streaming on Funimation.
Scarlet Nexus Episode 10
When all is said and done, Scarlet Nexus Episode 10 is a low point for the series. While steadily moving the plot forward, its mishandling of certain key moments causes it to slip down the quality scale. Hopefully, the next episode will bring something better to the series.