My Hero Academia is a superhero-shounen anime produced by Bones. With the inter-class competition complete, the students of class 1-A get a chance to celebrate the holiday season. But before they can do that, they must learn how to perform an important aspect of the job of a hero: talking to the press. Needless to say, it goes better for some than others in My Hero Academia Episode 101.
Due to last week’s impromptu hero work on the part of Todoroki and Bakugo, the duo is invited to be interviewed by a local news network. While Todoroki’s stiff as a board response and Bakugo being Bakugo is entertaining to watch, their behavior on camera isn’t exactly what the heroes are hoping for from the next generation. So to help the students work on their on-camera game the pro heroes Mt. Lady and Midnight visit the class to give the students some pointers.
My Hero Academia Episode 101 leans into the most playful aspects of the students learning adventures. Several students’ attempts to handle the faux interviews are equal parts funny, and adorable. With the responses ranging from the overly literal interpretations of commentary, to utter stage fright from others, the students are placed in a new arena with nothing but enjoyable results.
The back half of the episode shifts gears to show the students celebrating the Christmas holiday. Class 1-A has a huge celebration, where they enjoy their moment to relax. They are even joined by a special visitor who is ready to experience the class’s overwhelming holiday cheer.
While the bulk of My Hero Academia Episode 101 focuses on the fun as the students get some time off, things aren’t all roses in the superhero society. With more storm clouds on the horizon, the superhero community is being urged to accelerate the next generation’s studies so they can be ready to step up as the mounting number of villains increases.
As with so many times in the past, this need to prep the students for the future is weighed heavily by the staff of U-A High against concerns for the student’s safety. Bucking the tendency for shonen anime to be ripe with adults who nonchalantly endanger children has always been one of my favorite things that sets My Hero Academia apart from much of the genre.
The animation work delivers all the light-hearted humor of My Hero Academia Episode 101 wonderfully. The energy and enthusiasm that class 1-A has always delivered are presented wonderfully throughout this episode’s story. Each of the class’s personalities gets their moment to shine as they try their best to give solid interviews, and enjoy themselves during their holiday party.
When all is said and done, My Hero Academia Episode 101 delivers an enjoyable filler episode as the series prepares to dive into its next arc. While filler is in general often looked down on, and not without cause, I love that My Hero Academia occasionally takes a moment to let its stars just get to be kids and enjoy a moment of their lives.
My Hero Academia Episode 101 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
'My Hero Academia ' Episode 101 - "Have A Merry Christmas"
When all is said and done, My Hero Academia Episode 101 delivers an enjoyable filler episode as the series prepares to dive into its next arc. While filler is in general often looked down on, and not without cause, I love that My Hero Academia occasionally takes a moment to let its stars just get to be kids and enjoy a moment of their lives.