Far Sector #12 is published by DC Comics under its Young Animal imprint, written by N.K. Jemisin with art by Jamal Campbell and letters by Deron Bennett. With a hostile fleet outside the city and the masses rising within, the future of The City Enduring is about to be decided. Can Green Lantern Mullein find a way to preserve both the lives of the city’s billions of residents and see their rights upheld?
Back when Far Sector began its run in November of 2019, the world was a different place for many of us. As the unceasing struggle that was 2020 brought its full weight to bear on us, the series themes of social justice, systemic prejudice, and election manipulation came to hit with a force I never would’ve expected them to a year and a half ago. With that level of build-up, Far Sector #12 came with an incredibly high expectation for it. Happily, the creative team of this stellar book manages to stick the landing with this amazing finale.
With The City Enduring moments from an orbital bombardment, Lantern Mullein makes a last-ditch effort to deescalate the situation. Utilizing what little power remains in her Green Lantern Ring, Mullein makes her way to the threatening fleet’s commanding officer to plead for peace. The rapturous monologue Mullein delivers is one of the best I’ve read in recent years. With the tone of Mullein’s voice fluidity flowing from desperation, to sympathy, understanding, and rage, Jemison manages to perfectly encapsulate the complex emotions of the entire 12 issue run into this one moment. It is literary perfection.
Once the hostilities have passed, Far Sector #12 spends its remaining time getting its characters to satisfying places. While Jemisin succeeds in tieing up the narrative nicely, he doesn’t do the plot the disservice of acting like the city has earned a “Happily Ever After”. While the greatest threats have passed, there is no doubt that this period of growth, like all great periods of social growth, will be bought with pain. That’s not to say that the book’s finale is bereft of happiness. Far from it.
And while I’ve sung the character a bit of praise already, I want to take a moment to praise Jemisin for the magnificent job the writer does with Mullein. Between the dramatic opening confrontation and the tender moments in the character’s wrap-up, in the end, Jemisin brings the many facets that have made Mullein my favorite Green Lantern of all into the limelight one last time. (Sorry Kyle. I still love you.) I sincerely hope DC has a bright and busy future planned for this amazing character.
Much as he has since the first issue, artist Campbell delivers a brilliant performance here worthy of the book’s fantastic script. Campbell’s emotional lines, combined with the gorgeous colors that are sown throughout this book, give all the emotion the story has and dials it up to 15. Just as Jemisin’s writing has gifted Mullein with a powerful core personality, Campbell’s amazing art has brought that personality to life. I pity whoever ends up drawing her next.
Wrapping up the book’s presentation is Bennett’s great letter work. Bennett enhances the opening’s energy with great font choices, bringing the emotions to the characters’ voices with that extra touch only great lettering can.
When all is said and done, Far Sector #12 delivers a superb finale to its phenomenal tale. The only complaint I can levy against it is that there is no more to enjoy. To Jemisin, Campbell, and Bennett, thank you for delivering this superlative story. Its emotional depth and deep themes about society make it a story that stands with the titans of its medium.
Far Sector #12 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Far Sector #12
When all is said and done, Far Sector #12 delivers a superb finale to its phenomenal tale. The only complaint I can levy against it is that there is no more to enjoy. To Jemisin, Campbell, and Bennett, thank you for delivering this superlative story. Its emotional depth and deep themes about society make it a story that stands with the titans of its medium.