My Hero Academia is a superhero-shounen anime produced by Bones. With Kendo’s strategy narrowly overcoming Yaoyurozu’s adaptive tactics, Class B was able to claim the second match in the inter-class competition. While the competition moves to a new training ground, some pro heroes reach out to some of the upcoming heroes of Class A in My Hero Academia Episode 95.
It has been said that working toward a legacy is like “planting a garden you don’t get to see.” While such a task certainly seems daunting for the one attempting to establish that legacy, having that focus pushed on you must be an even greater weight. Especially if the person being pressured to bear the legacy isn’t interested in it. From the start, My Hero Academia has always taken long looks at legacy, and the effects of bearing the expectations of the past have on the bearer. We get a bit more development of this theme here.
The first half of this episode takes a break from the action and takes a look at a couple of particular students as they deal with situations involving mentor/would-be mentor figures. As the competition moves to a new training ground All-Might takes Deku aside to touch base with him and see if One-For-All has been acting strangely again. As always Deku and All-Might present the best qualities of the predecessor/successor relationship. As Deku is all too happy to bear the mantle of All-For-One, whatever unforeseen struggles might come with it.
My Hero Academia Episode 95 juxtaposes this relationship with the ongoing struggles between Todoroki and his father, Endeavor. Even as Endeavor struggles to become a hero Todoroki can be proud of, the number one hero has a lot of work to do. And to be fair, what lies between this father and son shouldn’t be buried easily.
Once these moments run their course the show returns to the competition at hand. As the third match features one of Class A’s powerhouses in Todoroki, this match seems likely to have a bit more spectacle to it than the previous round. And while seeing Todorki wielding his elemental might is always a treat, seeing what new powers the unfamiliar members of Class B bring to the battle is almost as much fun. This show’s ability to deliver unique powers is always fun to see and watching the Class A members adapt to the rising challenges is always a joy as well.
The animation in My Hero Academia Episode 95 delivers its moments with the smooth and crisp animation that one expects from the show. My favorite part of the visuals in this episode belongs to Endeavor. While his time is brief, the show handles his conflicting emotions, strongly, while also subtlety. It can be difficult to balance the need to convey emotion visually, while not breaking the reserved nature of a character like an Endeavor. The animation team does a great job of letting the viewer understand Endeavor’s feelings, while still letting the character be who he is.
When all is said and done My Hero Academia Episode 95 another strong episode. The back and forth between character and training fights continue to give this season a nice balance of story and action.
My Hero Academia Episode 95 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
My Hero Academia Episode 95 - "Match 3"
When all is said and done My Hero Academia Episode 95 another strong episode. The back and forth between character and training fights continue to give this season a nice balance of story and action.