Jujutsu Kaisen is a horror-action anime produced by MAPPA. With the Exchange Event wrapped up, it’s back to work for the sorcerers of Jujutsu Tech. There’s a mysterious curse that is killing people in the entryways of their homes. But how are the deaths connected? And what happens when one of our sorcerers end up being connected to the case in an extremely personal way. It’s a surprising twist for Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 22.
One of my standing critiques of Jujutsu Kaisen has been its handling of the humor throughout the series. Too often I’ve found the humorous elements of the series being implemented at inopportune moments. This has frequently been to the detriment of the narrative as a whole. Misplaced humor, even when delivered effectively can ultimately be a negative if employed at a time when it hinders the rest of the show. As Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 22 gets going I was concerned that would be the case again. Happily, the show displays a surprising amount of discretion and pulls back on the humor as the tone fully shifts into the more serious elements. Hopefully, this heightened awareness of tonal balance will not prove to be a one-time thing.
As our story opens we see an unidentified man on the phone complaining about the automatic door to his house not functioning properly. During his call, he is attacked by a curse and killed.
The episode then jumps to Itadori, Fushiguro and Kugisaki as they are being briefed about a rash of curse killings. All seemed to have a connection with the entryways to their homes. It is also discovered that all went to the same middle school many years ago. With this being the best lead in finding a connection between the victims, and by extension the curse they head out to visit the school.
Shortly after arriving Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 22 reveals its first surprise with the revelation that this school is also the school Fushigoru attended before leaving for Jujutsu Tech. And as it turns out, our most reserved Jujutsu sorcerer was quite a hell-raiser in middle school. With Fushigoru being a known personality to many at the school the team is quickly able to learn some surprising facts that point them in what seems to be the home of the curse in question. But they better act quickly. Along with the information concerning the curse’s whereabouts, they also discover someone close to Fushigoru is in the curse’s sights.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 22 single biggest achievement is in the way it smoothly escalates the narrative. As the clues are gathered and the pieces fall into place the tension in the show grows at a steady rate. By the time the end credits roll the episode has built itself up to a perfect critical mass.
While there is no action present in this episode the folks at MAPPA still do an excellent job with the visuals. The episode’s early humor shines brightly through the way Itadori and Kugisaki’s expressions are delivered. And even beyond these highlights, the entire episode always looks smooth as the animation never fails to deliver a consistent presentation.
When all is said and done Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 22 is a great start to its new story arc. Humor, drama, and tension are all utilized here in skillful ways that build up to a dramatic cliffhanger. Next week’s episode seems to promise a return of MAPPA’s trademark fight animation. I for one cannot wait.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 22 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 22 - “The Origin Of Blind Obedience”
When all is said and done Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 22 is a great start to its new story arc. Humor, drama, and tension are all utilized here in skillful ways that build up to a dramatic cliffhanger. Next week’s episode seems to promise a return of MAPPA’s trademark fight animation. I for one cannot wait.