Promised Neverland Episode 6 reintroduced Norman, one of the original trio from season 1. Alive and well, Norman reunites with his found family, as well as Emma and Ray. But distance stands between Emma, Ray, and Norman. The former two want to do no harm: the latter sees little problem with it. Viewers are ultimately left wondering which side will win in this series. Now, Promised Neverland Episode 7 continues to widen the divide between Emma & Ray and Norman. Norman still wants to kill the demons.
Really, he wants to end them, adding gravity to this new turn of events. To some degree, Norman’s concerns do feel authentic. He’s a human in a world where humans are farmed for meat. He’s one of the few humans that have been able to escape.
All too often, Norman feels like he’s got this really out-of-character blood lust that he never exhibited in season 1. Most of Promised Neverland Episode 7 is spent with him talking about wanting to annihilate the demons. That message feels completely counter to the overall tone of The Promised Neverland for both the source manga and the first season of the anime.
Yet Emma’s ideals resonated within me so much more. Emma has maintained a desire to cause as little damage and pain as possible. Even when she and her siblings fled Grace Field, they didn’t kill. In fact, the only blood that was spilled was from Emma’s own ear. Yes, they’ve certainly had to do harm, but it was only when necessary. Emma has never purposefully sought to kill or even destroy.
Moreso, Emma empathizes with the demons. While she resents them and certainly fears them, she also understands that they have to exist too. The demons have to kill to eat… but so do humans. After all, haven’t Emma and the kids killed fish, fowl, and all manner of fauna just to eat? Yes, the demons have done great harm. In fact, they’ve ruined families and lives and hope. They almost ruined Emma’s entire family. The demons continue to do great harm, often recklessly, without regard to the “meat” that they raise.
But it’s not as simple as annihilating them. It never really is.
Promised Neverland Episode 7 was… not my favorite for a variety of reasons. Then again, I could say the same of this current season. The further The Promised Neverland gets from its source material, the more the plot suffers. The more Norman’s character gets tangled up in vengeance and murder, the more the show’s heart and core message fades away. I think I’ve said this before, but The Promised Neverland Season 2 feels like fan fiction: only fan fiction is fun.
Additionally, the inclusion of a new macguffin feels immediately out of place. There’s been no foreshadowing concerning Mujika, or even the existence of some secret, special power within the demons. Additionally, Norman’s departure from the kind, clever, and serious boy viewers met in season 1 feels like the biggest letdown. Instead of feeling joy for Norman being back in action, I just feel disappointed.
This second cour is so radically different from the source material, at least chronologically. If it is taking inspiration from the source material, then I’ll admit I don’t know what chapter we’re at. Right now, the plot just feels bitter, especially in a year like 2021 where the world is enduring on-going strife. Promised Neverland Episode 7 just becomes another trial to endure, offering up a message about how bad the world is. There’s no promise here. There’s just an abject lack of hope.
There’s a grand total of four episodes left this season as The Promised Neverland’s second cour is only eleven episodes. I really feel adrift at sea right now. I don’t know what kind of ending to expect. All I can do is continue to watch the series until the bitter end.
The Promised Neverland Season 2 is streaming now on Funimation.
The Promised Neverland Season 2 Episode 7
This second cour is so radically different from the source material, at least chronologically. If it is taking inspiration from the source material, then I’ll admit I don’t know what chapter we’re at. Right now, the plot just feels bitter, especially in a year like 2021 where the world is enduring on-going strife. Promised Neverland Episode 7 just becomes another trial to endure, offering up a message about how bad the world is. There’s no promise here. There’s just an abject lack of hope.